Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» 650 kids are INEGLIBLE for reunification with their parents because they were already deported. Who was the dimwit who thought that up?
650 kids are INEGLIBLE for reunification with their parents because they were already deported. Who was the dimwit who thought that up?
It isn't the kids that are ineglible. It is the cold heartless calculated incompetent inept impotent stupid dumb government who screwed up bigly and refuses to fix the mess it created. What dolts!
When those parents were being deported they must of been screaming what about my children but it fell on death ears. Fortunately other people heard it so there are lawyers on both sides of the border working together to bring the families back together - there are protesters - protesting and there are judges that won't except excuses and lies that try to explain away a heartless crime. Cheers and happy weekend!
I sure hope all the stupid dumb heartless folks responsible for this cruel ad unusual treatment get what they deserve. Being separated from their children would be a good start. I hope you're write Nanoose . That the families will be brought back together.TGITWH doesn't give a sh** about any of it. He is playing golf today carefree as a bird. A DODO bird. A pox on his house. Thank you for your reply! :)