Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» For all of Richard Nixon's FLAWS he did respect THE RULE OF LAW. TGITWH does not. He's the only law he respects. You too?
I don't know if I'd say "respects". The only thing he really respects is himself. To him, "laws" are mearley things to minuplitate so that they serve his own personal interests.
"The only thing he respects is himself". About whom are you speaking Shuhak? TGITWH or Nixon? I said in the question the only thing he (TGITWH) respects is himself so your reply is kinda confusing. Thank you and Happy Sunday! :)
Here's a perfect example of where we differ from time to time tom and probably why. I SEE NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO and you do. How can you respect a concept(rule of law) and not respect what the concept is about(the law)? If you do see them as different things that's because your mind is wired differently than mine. I can only see what I see and comprehend within my limitations. Thank you for your reply! :)
I don't think any politician once they reach the top doesn't flaunt the law in one way or another Rosie....who is there to keep them in check,certainly not the police....they actually protect them...
In my entire life D I have never witnessed a person who had more contempt for truth and laws than TGITWH. In fact I'm gonna ask a question about that. I suppose to one degree or another we all try to get away with whatever we can when we can within certain boundaries for some of us.
I highly doubt that any of your presidents were 100% honest Rosie....there must be some that were more so than others ,but the fact is you will never ever know for sure...
Look at England ,Blair was called the liar of the law society or chambers....how many people has that creep killed he's a multi multi millionaire now ,all from £ 123,000 a year wages as England's leading parisite