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Nero fiddled while Rome burned. TGITWH tweets while California burns. Wanna know whom he blames for the fires?

California is to blame because rather than using water to put out the fires we just dump all the water in the ocean. Now this is the very first time I've heard of this. In a DROUGHT state we send all available water to the ocean? Anyone agree with this guy or is it another fake makeshift bullsh** hateful lie? Instead of just shutting the F up he has to put in his two cents' worth and blame us. Good job don. Keep it up. Tell us what you think about everything and everyone. Mueller might not be able to use that tweet against you but someone else will. Keep doing it. The more you tweet the more sweet it is as we see the ammunition you are providing Mueller grow bigger and deeper and larger and taller and wider. 
We Californians KNOW that TGITWH HATES us. We HATE him back doubling down. I guess that makes us even steven.  :(


Posted - August 7, 2018


  • 7280
    It's an attempt to weaken endangered species protection.---Interestingly enough, no firefighter has suggested they lack water necessary to fight the fires.
      August 7, 2018 3:11 PM MDT

  • 113301
    His mission is to destroy murder annihilate desecrate all that was done by Obama. TGITWH is so green with envy at what Obama accomplished and how revered he was by many (not all of us to be sure but a lot more than can stand TGITWH). He wants to eliminate any trace of Obama and in so doing he is grievously damaging we the people and our country. He doesn't give a sh** about any of it. He is in DESTROY mode and that's all he know. He is a one-trick pony. The trick isn't clever or unique or creative.  A piece of trash we are stuck with for GOD KNOWS HOW LONG?  SIGH. Thank you for your reply tom!  :)
      August 8, 2018 2:57 AM MDT

  • 10798

    Can you ubelieve this crock? -

    "California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!"

    Where's all this "massive amounts of water"?   Did we miss something?  Did the water fairy make a delivery and not tell anyone? 
    "Not being utilized"??  I have to use rain barrels to water my plants!  In fact, they now have a law stating that all newly constructed houses must have rain barrels (in this county).  Every drop the falls is carefully used and reused - even sewage!!
    And, pray tell, just how are we "diverting" these "massive amounts of water" into the ocean?  Is it through those wasteful things called rivers we built?  Yes, we purposefully built those rivers just to divert all the water to the sea (with government money, no less).

    "Tree clear" the state?  Why not just pave the entire state from border to border, make it into one giant parking lot.  That'd sure show those pesky fires who's boss!  It's a wonder numnutz didn't tell us to grow flame retardant trees.

    "Bad environmental laws"?  Does he mean the ones designed to clean the air so that plants and trees won't die thus making more fuel for fires to burn?

    I'd like to drop him on the fires, but knowing him he'd just make them worse!  

    But wait, there's more... 

    "Governor Jerry Brown must allow the Free Flow of the vast amounts of water coming from the North and foolishly being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Can be used for fires, farming and everything else. Think of California with plenty of Water - Nice! Fast Federal govt. approvals."


    Just where is all this water?  It's not falling from the sky (snow/rain) - I have years of data that shows that.  It's not underground - numerous sinkholes attest to that.

    What does he think we're using on the fires, wine?  Does he think that's what gives it that pretty shade of pink?

    This post was edited by Shuhak at August 8, 2018 11:28 AM MDT
      August 7, 2018 4:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I see you feel my pain m'dear. But this bullsh** lie is being embraced by all  his adoring worshippers and those who know better don't dare disagree with him. These are mad rants and ravings of a lunatic. He is very good at blaming the victims. He is a wackadoodle crackpot whose every word and deed  exemplifies his state of mind. I use the word "mind" very loosely. Meanwhile one of our fires in northern California is now the largest fire in history our state has ever experienced. As we burn he criticizes and the criticisms are all lies. Whatta guy! Sigh. Thank you for your very thoughtful, thorough and informative detailed response  Shuhak. Where do we go from here? With that poopy drawers imbecile useful idiot moron leading the way I fear wherever that where will take us! :( This post was edited by RosieG at August 8, 2018 9:53 AM MDT
      August 8, 2018 3:01 AM MDT

  • 11420
    Well when Trump gives you lemons you make lemon aid, Call his BS and start demanding funding to build dams and water reservoirs  I figure the fires are mostly because of man made globule warming and they are going to get worse every year. So instead of playing the blame game Trump should be funding new water bombers and training wild fire fighters  but he won't because that could take money away from his wall. Cheers!
      August 9, 2018 10:24 AM MDT