Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» OKAY with you that FREE SPEECH includes hate-based lie-based filth-based violence-based? Quality matters not. All kinds are welcome. True?
No, I don't believe that our right to free speech means we can cause harm or detriment to other people's rights.. hate speech and racist comments are bullying, If we cannot say something humanely and without resorting to insults then to be honest we are little above thugs and barbarians
The wacky crackpot conspiracy "theorist" Alex Jones is welcome to keep spouting his cruel and hate-filled delusional lies on Twitter. He may well believe the crap he spreads around. He may not. But all the Alex Jones' in the world can keep promulgating vicious vitriolic venomous venal hate and it is very welcome by racists, bigots and those on the extreme fringes of humankind. Alas. Alas. Woe is us. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
I believe in free speech which isn’t speech directly calling for violence or making violent threats. There is no such thing as “hate speech”. It’s a made up word by radical leftists to silence those who disagree with them. People don’t have the right to not be offended. Anyone who labels speech as hate speech to silence speech is a true fascist.
This post was edited by Rizz at August 13, 2018 7:22 PM MDT
You really and truly and honestly believe what you just wrote Rizz? That it is only radical leftists who are the problem? An Alex Jones who says Sandy Hook was fake and all the "participants" were actors doesn't bother you at all? If you were a Sandy Hook parent how would that make YOU feel? Oh well. You have a right to see what you see, think what you think and believe what you believe. There is no point in any conversation because you are so certain you right and those who disagree with you are wrong. So goodbye, good luck, good health and good wishes.
Speech we like doesn’t need to be protected. Speech we don’t like needs to protected. There’s a lot of crap people say I don’t like, but I will defend their right to say it.
No don't care for it at all and it disturbs me deeply that the people who run this site have seen fit to allow you to write what you have on here. Especially when I think you know better. Fine to express opinions but when they become hate I have no use for them and want nothing to do with them. But if you are "allowed" to hate then you must allow others to do the same.