Any country worth their weight, should unite and ban the USA from any dealings. They should do the first GLOBAL call for IMPEACHMENT.
He has broken every treaty, he has rebuffed every show of peace they offer. He has insulted and betrayed everyone.
And like the GOP, they stand back and watch. They are AFRAID. And I am simplifying, but they are afraid. That would bring chaos and disorder to their own shores, but it would put a better guy in charge if they denounced this entire Administration.
TGITWH goes out of his way to offend/alienate/attack other countries, many of which used to be our allies. He hasn't yet done that to Vlad's turf but eventually he probably will when Vlad bats him away like the gnat he is and his ego gets punched in the gut. The puzzling thing is that his base doesn't mind any of it. They go with the flow don'tcha know and whatever he morphs into they support and love and defend. Was there ever a more devoted loyal supportive bunch of lovers anywhere at any time for any reason? Doubtful. The So-called religious folks set aside morality and church teachings for him. The fiscally responsible have given in to his fiscal irresponsibility his massive debt increase his massive tax cuts for the wealthy. He is even considering another $100 billion tax cut for the obscenely wealthy and his peeps support that too even when it means they go without. They don't care. I swear they are the most puzzling loyalists I done ever seen in all my born days! Will they ever get a grip and get over it? I dunno. Don't think so. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 14, 2018 3:06 AM MDT