Yes Rosie....I heard her sing Nessum Dorma half in English and she finished in Itilian......the words and the compulsion she sand it with left me with tears running down my face ... I got it for my parents and now there are big fans two .....
Its one of the most haunting prices of music ever.... She took Pavarotti place in singing it....and her way of singing it is magicsl....
I have not heard her sing that D. I shall look it up. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply and Happy Tuesday sweetie. :) :( The Happy face is for you. The sad face is because of the question I asked. Life is so often a two-edged sword isn't it?
This post was edited by RosieG at August 14, 2018 4:24 AM MDT
I'm sure you will both love it Rosie.....another peice of music I'm sure that will move you instantly the very second you hear the first few bars is called Debora's theme.....its sung by that new Zealand girl Hayler Westenra another to hear is Once Upon a Tine in The West.. By a young girl called Patrica Jansckova ... I can't keep my eyes dry every time I hear them both.. You will love both Rosie..
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and kind words Sharon. And of course the graphic. She is one-of-a-kind. The VERY BEST kind. Happy Tuesday. We keep her in our thoughts.
I recognize that she was a great singer and I liked some of her records I heard when I was young. Without Love, Until You Come Back To Me, Gonna Find Me An Angel etc. Not one of my personal favorites because it was sort of like everything she did she had to sing up and show off. I did not like that she was so petty and difficult and prima-donna-ish. I understand she had a difficult late teenage years and 20s with men who beat her and tried to control her.