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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Strange. Usually brainwashing and reprogramming is done out of sight in the dead of night behind closed doors. The don does his openly! WHY?

Strange. Usually brainwashing and reprogramming is done out of sight in the dead of night behind closed doors. The don does his openly! WHY?

He flaunts his power to reprogram and control and configure what his base will think in front of everyone and they very obediently go along with him focusing only him and his word and the tick tick tock of the clock that whispers to his base "You You You. Night and Day You are the One. Only you beneath the moon and under the sun......I think of you Night and Day". He has them in his net I bet and they don't even know they are caught and cannot escape. Scientology reprograms and brainwashes but it is all done in far-away locations and outsiders are not allowed to witness any of it. The secreter the betterer. The donjohn? HE WANTS THE PUBLICITY so everyone can see how great he is and how obedient his base his to treasure his every word. He is a showoff after all isn't he? Using people to show other people how much in his power they are.

Posted - August 19, 2018


  • 6988
    I noticed recently that my TV now has a 'scientology ' channel.  It is said that actor Tom Cruise was divorced from his wife, Katie Holmes, because of his following of scientology. I just finished a Trump questionaire and found no strange or secretive questions on it. Things like; Do you approve of the President's job on infastructure, or border protection, or veteran's affairs?  Nothing radical there, and I don't see myself under any 'spell'. This post was edited by B.H.Wilson at August 20, 2018 2:25 AM MDT
      August 19, 2018 4:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That's the beauty of reprogramming and brainwashing bh. Those to whom it is done think they are the are ones who  have the "secret", have the power, are on the right track. You mention don's job on infrastructure. What infrastructure do you speak since nothing is being done to implement it? Border protection makes you feel better? What has changed since he took office? Vdeteran's affairs are still in a shambles. Oh and the don now is entertaining the idea of privitizing the war in Afghanistan by using the company owned by Betsy de Vos brother, Eric Prince. You may think that is a great idea . Whatever. You are already programmed and brainwshed m'dear. SIGH. And you will never admit it because that's part of the process. Thank you for your reply bh.
      August 20, 2018 2:28 AM MDT