We see what others do and know what we would do under the same circumstances and then we judge them HARSHLY when what they do is corrupt and devious and unethical and deceitful. For example.
No one ever in any political party took a meeting with the representative of a foreign country to get dirt on the opposition. If Russia or Iran or China contacted anyone in either party the immediate response would be to CALL THE FBI and let them follow up on it and handle it. That was the way it always was.
During the campaign when Al Gore was running for prez someone from Austin, Texas sent them a "Republican Playbook" and a tape of a planning meeting. Gore immediately called the FBI and turned over the items to them. Reading it and using it against the Republicans was not done and ALSO would not have been done by REPUBLICANS getting inside info on Dems either. Ethics mattered even though there were bitter divides between the parties. But there was a line that NO ONE EVER CROSSED until the don appeared and then all lines were obliterated.