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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » KISS. Keep it simple stupid. LOCK HER UP. FAKE NEWS. NO COLLUSION. WITCH HUNT. MAGA. A simpleton "won" the election after all. Right?

KISS. Keep it simple stupid. LOCK HER UP. FAKE NEWS. NO COLLUSION. WITCH HUNT. MAGA. A simpleton "won" the election after all. Right?

Many folks like simple. Doesn't burden their brains at all. Give 'em simple and they are yours. Keep it simple. Focus on words of few letters/syllables. The fewer the better. Yes. No. That's better than Maybe. Easier to understand. Maybe has uncertainty in it. Yes. No. Definite.

Posted - August 22, 2018


  • 17081
    Can anyone say "Harding"? Long on platitudes, short on policy.
    "His speeches left the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving across the landscape in search of an idea; sometimes these meandering words would actually capture a straggling thought and bear it triumphantly as a prisoner in their midst, until it died of servitude and overwork" (McAdoo on Warren G Harding).

    Warren G Harding is widely regarded as being one of the worst Presidents of all time, and His Royal Orangeness seems to be channeling him. About the only thing Harding did that Trump hasn't (yet) was impregnate a teenager in a White House closet.
    Speeches containg lots of buzzwords and little content - check.
    Appointing his best buddies rather than the most competent people to Cabinet positions - check.
    An admnistration mired by scandals - check.
      August 22, 2018 5:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I bet the don will be THE VERY BEST of the VERY WORST prez and/or human being who ever lived though Sbf. Did Harding ever separate parents from children and then lose track of them so they would never be reunited? Did he ever call a black woman a "dog"? Did he ever accuse black folks of having a "low IQ"? Did he ever equate American Nazis with patriotic Americans and say there were "Good people on both sides" or  that both sides were to blame? Did he ever put a foreign government/despot dictator first and kowtow grovel suck up to a foreign leader consistently? Did he ever knowingly participate in election fraud to install him as "president"? Did Harding ever badmouth an American hero who is dying of brain cancer? Did he ever insult gold star parents or fire those who criticized/disagreed with him? Did he ever call the media "the enemy of the people"? Did he ever specifically and meticulously set out to destroy people who didn't kiss his corpulent arse? Did he ever lie every single time he opened his mouth? Did he hold copycat boring one-note one-theme predictable rallies to throw red meat to the attendees to foment promulgate perpetuate HATE? Maybe he screwed some dame(s) after his wife had just given birth just like don did. I dunno. Did he have a daughter about whom he lusted publicly like don did? The grand and glorious grotesque donjohn said he'd probably date Ivanka if she weren't his daughter! Did he ever brag about grabbing women by the private parts?  SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sbf! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 22, 2018 6:15 AM MDT
      August 22, 2018 6:10 AM MDT