They have no party to save! The Republican Party is dead and gone having been replaced by the Trumpican party. After the king is "dead" (figuratively speaking) they will have no way to rebuild. They have been so decimated and inculcated with his brand of "truth" they are immobilized paralyzed lobotomized pretzelized criminalized. The lot of them isn't worth 2 cents. They did it to themselves. The whiny spineless puny pathetic pansies turned themselves into sycophantic toadies. An obese old man who is way out of shape and a pawn (useful idiot) of Russia/Putin intimidated them into becoming puppet robots. Now of course the donjohn is the puppet robot of Vlad Putin so he used himself as a template of what he demands from others. Complete obedience. No disagreement. Support defend him and attack any who dare to challenge him. The base is beyond comprehension. SIGH. I wonder if any of the prophets of old saw him in the future and tried to warn us? Well he is here now and with help of Congress doing his very best to destroy all of what America used to represent. May she RIP. On the rigged election day America died and what was put in its place is what we have today. SAD. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 25, 2018 1:53 PM MDT