Sometimes telling the truth has consequences that are unpleasant or detrimental to one's health and welfare. Squealing is done with the hope of some personal gain, such as others pulling your fat from the fire. It's for sale to the highest bidder and often has nothing to do with truth.
If squealing "has nothing to do with the truth" DA isn't that called LYING? Now sometimes a lie is a good thing. For example those who hid Jews from the Nazis were in effect lying but for a noble cause. If you SQUEAL telling the truth then it could be for a noble cause. It could also put your life in jeopardy. That's why they have Witness Protection Programs. They wouldn't need them if the SQUEALING were simply lying would they? MOst folks lie to save their own a** because they did very wrong or horribly wrong or deadly wrong and they know it and they are too chickensh** to admit it. Greed often is the basis for l ies. All the tax fraud and bank fraud is committed because people are so very greedy and money hungry and cheaters and liars and deadbeats. Billionaires are often deadbeat. Take the donjohn for instance. He has always stiffed people and shortchanged them. Lying can be a tricky thing to be sure. It's complicated. In fact I think lying is far more complicated than telling the truth. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday. :)
You're right in that sometimes, lying is for the good, but when you get immunity from prosecution, thee is no reason to lie, even if it means entering witness protection. It isn't a black and white issue - there can be extenuating circumstances.
I wonder if everything is always complicated? If anything is a sure thing or a slam dunk? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your thoughful reply L and Happy Sunday. I wonder if I could pull it off? Become someone else convincingly?
I don't think I could give up my identity, my family and go into witness protection. On the other hand, I do have a healthy desire to keep breathing. :)
Me too m'dear. I'm with you. I fought very hard to stay alive in 2008 and so far I beat the cancer. I did not go quietly or submit to any of it. Not once. Would I jeopardize my way of life and possibly my family by doing what the donjohn insiders are doing? I honestly don't know. I'd like to think I'd be that brave but I don't really know. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply L! :)
Condolences on the loss of your mum retroactively Sbf. Secondaries are often worse. Why I do not know. It(cancer) is insidious and works quietly very often. I was so lucky. I still am. Coincidentally today I go in for my yearly visit with the oncologist, Dr. Ruby. I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago and I already know that the results were good. Kaiser always notifies you immediately. They show you a safe min/max and where you tested and in every case I'm well within each end. A very good thing. I'm betting one day a cure for all cancers will be found. By then of course there will be other diseases to take its place. Figuring out a way to combat superbugs that seem resistant to being controlled/contained is a current worry. What other worries will materialize we will learn eventually. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 27, 2018 6:15 AM MDT
I'd like to think I was that brave, too, but until and unless I was in that position, I couldn't possibly know. There has been a new program on CBS called "Whistleblower." It features a number of people who have done just that with big business and big pharma and others and shows just how difficult it is to do the right thing and how long it takes to bring these cases to justice, if ever. You might find it interesting.
The folks who "squeal" on criminals can be put into Witness Protection Programs I doubt those folks lie but of course I don't KNOW that for a fact. I wonder how often they succeed in living out their "new" lives and die of natural causes? Thank you for your reply Sbf! ")
To squeal it to tell out of spite ,jealousy or tell for reasons of health or safety or to prevent pollution ,accidents ,couruption is not the same Rosie....
So it is motive that determines the nature and if the motive is ignoble we call it "squealing"? Thank you for your reply D and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 26, 2018 5:07 AM MDT