Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Robin Leach dies at 76. The 3rd one after McCain and Simon. Isn't it odd how often death comes in 3's?
We KNOW many others died on those days too D. We just don't know about it because only celebrity deaths are reported bigly. How many people were murdered that day in whatever ways? Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands? More? Hard to say. You know it goes back all the way to Father Son and Holy Spirit (Ghost). I believe three is universally thought of as holy maybe? Joseph Mary and Jesus. The Executive, the Legislative, the Judicial. There is a question there which I shall ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee D.
There is only 365 days in each year for 7 billion people to die on Rosie...Three people you know dying on the same day is not that out of the ordinary I think..... How many families are wiped out In just one alwful car or coach crash....how many if a jumbo jet goes down..... Thease factors are more common than you think.....
Wouldn't it be swell to know everything we don't? I wonder if our brains have that capacity to hold all that information? I'm gonna ask. I'm always looking for meaning and connection D. I always have since I was a very little girl. I don't know why. I know there must be a reason. I just am ignorant of it. Thank you for your reply D! :)
No it would be very boring to know every thing in advance....you'd become a robot with no need to ever think or make decissions for yourself ,good or bad...
You would avoid making mistakes D. You could potentially change negative to positive and bad to good by redirecting folks away from what will harm them toward what will help them. However it would be a tremendous burden if you could foresee how everything ends and everything in-between. You would suffer the pain of loss long before it occurred in real time and that anticipation would surely make your days endless and foreboding. Thank you for your reply.
There are Tsunami that have taken out cities in Japan and India...River floods in South America that washes away concrete buildings to....We are less than ants when nature chooses to raises its head ....Whoa betide anything in its way then..
I agree with that. I think it is very "amusing" to see folks strut around as if they matter. We are all insignificant. Moreover we don't even know what our purpose is or who might be controlling us. We could be a lab experiment. We could be that guy in the movie whose life was a reality TV show broadcast to everyone. All fake. All actors except him. He did not know until much later. What man can conceive man can achieve. Some say. Maybe so. We have to believe first and we are so suspicious and skeptical of everyone and everything we are busy 24/7 and don't spend any time wondering and wandering and opining and supposing and inventing and creating and dreaming. Methinks. Thank you for your reply D! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 27, 2018 6:17 AM MDT
WThere is no one controlling us Rosie....The prison bars in your head were put there soon after birth by those that want ultimate control over Virgin minds...How easy is it to fill a empty vessel if there is no one there to stop you.....you can fill with what ever you want and do it to whoever under threat of death if you refuse to believe all your being told....
How many despots live in luxury while the miniow they lead live in poverty.... What is the difference between Mr Hitler ,Stalin and the R/C Pope.....they all live in luxury and out of the three only the first two are the honest ones amoung them...
I think the current Pope is not as beloved as previous ones because he seems to be more honest about the evil contained in the church and perpetrated by the church and covered by the church TO THIS VERY DAY. Evil is awful always. But even awfuller when it is cloaked in the cloth of religion. Priests, teachers, counselors, physcians all have access to everyone all the time and they can either be a force for good or a force for evil because they ARE evil and they ARE corrupt and all they care about is satisfying themselves at the expense of others. I do believe there is UNIVERSAL justice out there. It's the only way I can stand folks like donjohn frankly. We may not see his demise but it will come and he will pay for his corrupt evil ways. One day. Thank you for your reply D.
We are all but atoms joined together in an individual and unique way Rosie....when we die we all return to just single atoms floating about in space waiting for nature to join us together uniquely again.... when you are dead you're gone for good....your memory and deeds live on only in others thoughts or memories and of storage places like books or on computers now...
That is your belief sweetie to which you are absolutely entitled. Let me tell you about mine...more a wish than a belief. If I already told you this during the years of our friendship apologies for the repetition. I see the afterlife as being exactly the same EXCEPT that there will be no hate or pain or war or disease. We shall continue on with those we love and continue on with our different points of view. BUT we shall be discussing everything in a fair and calm way and be cordially agreeable whether we agree or disagree. We will be civil and polite and respectful at all times of one another. There will, of course, be NO POLITICS for there will be no need for it. People will act responsibly and sensibly and fairly. They will not cheat or steal or lie or betray. They will not covet. We will still have our preferences of course. Foods, music, whatever. But there will no vicious hostility nor angry attacks nor gut-wrenching insults. Such people will not be there. Where they will be I do not know and frankly m'dear I don't give a dam*! Now will that be our forever after? I have no idea but I can wish it and I do. I like my life and how I spend my days. I like talking to you and other folks whom I shall never meet in this life but in that afterlife? Why not? What would stop us? Thank you for your reply D! Remember I'm the gal who believes in unicorns absolutely and loves rainbows and sunsets and kind people! :) ((hugs))
This post was edited by RosieG at August 27, 2018 10:20 AM MDT
What you say would be nice Rosie.....where would all the countless billions of people live though....they are not down here on earth....what would they eat what about all the animals,birds,fish and bugs go....then bacteria, germs ,viruses ...they are living things and need to go somewhere to... If a virus can't infect anyone ,how will it live ir feed.... . .?
In what way are those three connected? A politician, a playwright and a fawning toady to pretentiousness. Does Aretha Franklin count? McCain I respected, despite his Party - he was handed a poisoned chalice in 2008, when Bush 2's GFC made it less likely for a Republican candidate than a brontosaurus to be elected, made worse when the party foisted a brain-dead cretin on him as a running mate. A maverick who stood up for what he believed in and a war hero, unlike His Royal Bonespurs. Simon I respected, more as a playwright than as a screenplay writer - and envy the hell out of him for having had the opportunity to write comedy sketches alongside Mel Brooks. I never had much time for Robin Leach.
I speak generically Sbf not specifically. I don't know that there is any connection at all. But I always look for a deeper meaning. A lesson lurking therein that I will miss if I don't pay attention. There may be a distinct and very strong connection to everything and everyone all the time only we humans are so limited intellectually we shall never find it. We have a lot going against us not the least of which are pretentious and arrogant assumptions about how we are always right and the "the other" (anyone who disagrees with us) is always wrong. Pompous condescending arrogant certitude. Do other animals have that defect? I don't know. Sometimes I get a "feeling" that something isn't right...doesn't make sense. When Magic Johnson was out for awhile decades ago because "he had a bad cold" or whatever the ruse was I thought more was going on. It was. He announced he was HIV eventually. Why I thought something was odd about his absence I don't know. But those are the things that happen to me from time to time. I "feel" more than I "know". Why is that? I cannot be the only one like that. What is it about me and others like me that causes us to be intuitive sometimes when others are not. There must be a meaning/a connection to all of it. Several months ago in the waiting room of a new dentist (new to Jim and me) I waited my turn and just sat down. "Coincidentally" the woman on my left was a Scorpio like me who had skipped grades in grammar school like me and was a loner like me and used to be painfully shy like me. How did we get that far in a conversation between two strangers? I have no idea. I usually smile and say hello to folks and then am silent. I haven't seen her again and maybe never will but I think it was not accidental. What are the odds that two complete strangers have that much in common? I saved the best for last. The dentist is Armenian like me. He is young enough to be my grandson. Here's where you won't believe. My sis(73) and I(80) used to attend Armenian School at the St. Gregory Armenian Church in Pasadena when we were children. I was married in that church many many years ago. Well this dentist's daughers attended that same Armenian School and that dentist was married in that very same church many decades after I was. Now what brought him to Hemet? What brought me to visit him? Is that not a spectacular "coincidence" or was it meant to be for some unknown reason? Apologies for the length of this but you see I find wonder everywhere all the time. I hope you do too! Thank you for your reply Sbf. Remember I believe in unicorns. Always have. Always will! :)