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Taters and tomaytoes. If you like 'em what's your FAVORITE way of preparing them?

Posted - August 29, 2018


  • 44765
    Taters: Squished, lumpy and loaded.
    Tomahtoes: Slice, pepper, salt, eat.

      August 29, 2018 11:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ditto and ditto but hold the pepper! Home-grown right from the garden! SIGH. Those were the days my friend!  I like LOADED TATER SKINS too! Do you?  Thank you for your reply Ele and the photos. YUM! :)
      August 30, 2018 6:24 AM MDT

  • 44765
    We haave home grown for maybe another month. I have not made skins, but I like them.
      August 30, 2018 6:51 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ohhhhhh. YOU GROW YOUR OWN TOMATOES Ele? Ohhhhhh. Well I have never been jealous of or envious of others but I just might make an exception for those who have the great talent to grow tomaytoes! Yes. I'm jealous. I have NEVER HAD LUCK with them. I don't know why. My sister had good luck with hers and our across-the-street-neighbor always has good luck with hers but me? Zip. You know I'm a Foodie so that's my excuse for being jealous. Once upon a time long ago before I met Jim a friend/acquaintance/neighbor (frankly I don't remember which) gave me a bag of about 8 tomatoes. Homegrown. Know what I had for dessert that night? I washed FIVE of them, cut them in half, took out the little core thingy at the top, put 'em on a plate, got the salt shaker and ate ate ate ate ate as if they were apples. One of my most memorable desserts ever. SIGH. Lucky you m'dear. Enjoy what's left a little extra more for me. It's easier to enjoy the travel of friends vicariously than it is to savor whatever delicious things they eat. I have a good imagination but not that good! Thank you for the info! :)
      August 30, 2018 7:00 AM MDT