Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The America of Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, John McCain. Will we ever see it again? When?

The America of Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, John McCain. Will we ever see it again? When?

America doesn't need to be great again because America was always great. Per John McCain via his daighter Meghan. Some agree, some dis.

Posted - September 1, 2018


  • 35073
    USA as a country yes is great.

    But our jobs, our economy, our trade deals (send my job to a foreign country deals), our border security, our military, our tax code all need/ed to be made great again. That is why we voted for President Trump and he is delivering. 
      September 1, 2018 9:01 AM MDT

  • 5391
    He sure has delivered plenty of fodder for his impeachment and the stand up comedians.
    No doubt that White Supremicists are tickled with him too. 
      September 1, 2018 10:40 AM MDT

  • 35073
    He has done nothing worthy of impeachment. Even if Mueller were to prove everything alleged (which did not happen) it is all before he was President so not impeachable. Whatever the impeachable "crimes and misdemeanors" are they must have been committed WHILE President not before. 
      September 1, 2018 11:17 AM MDT

  • 5391
    The fact that impeachment is even being discussed is an indictment of your guy’s sad predicament, regardless if Fox News says so or not. He has done nothing to help his case. 

    Diss on Mueller all you like, Trump has only himself to blame for the Russia investigation. If it is found justice was obstructed, it happened while Trump was President. The sum total of the endless scandal and reprehensible behavior will bite your guy in the end, and in the voting booth, and will suppress any success he might have in office. 

    It is amazing, simply astounding that people who are otherwise intelligent still choose to overlook what’s directly in front of them and prop up such a divisive, untalented egomaniac. This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 1, 2018 12:24 PM MDT
      September 1, 2018 11:57 AM MDT

  • 35073
    Did I dis on Mueller? 
    I said what he has been investigating all happened BEFORE the election so it is not impeachable. 
    Even Pelosi said he would have to do something worthy of impeachment before they should even talk about it.The only reason the Dems talk about it to keep their base fired up. They have zero intention of trying it because they know it is not possible. 

      September 1, 2018 12:41 PM MDT

  • 5391
    All of your FoxNews talking points are lacking. Mueller’s investigation encompasses any possible obstruction of justice that may have occurred. That would have happened while Trump was in office. Either way, crimes have bern exposed, and they are being prosecuted.
    Then there are the flock of felons themselves that Trump employed and are one-by-one turning state’s evidence. The flippers. Trump feels such testimony should be illegal. He is mistaken.
    Despite your claims of “leaks” no verified information has been revealed on any of the investigations. You are mistaken or decieved. 

      September 1, 2018 5:30 PM MDT

  • 35073
    My points are not Fox talking points. They are facts.
    Fact: Impeachment must be actions as president. 
    Fact: No one has been convicted of anything other than a possible campaign finance violation. (Obama paid $300,000 fine over same thing)
    Fact: No indictment of a President
    Fact: Trump was talking about flipping and lying about the person you are flipping on. 

    If there are no leaks about the investigation just what are CNN and MSNBC babbling about? 
      September 1, 2018 5:58 PM MDT

  • 5391
    No one mentioned indicting a President.
     Again, if obstruction  of justice is found, it may have happened after the election, that would impeachable. 

    Irony screams when Trump of all people starts complaining about someone lying... 
    or one of his supporters does. 

    How about we allow the process to play out before we start listening to the very MS media you and your ilk keep saying is fake. As if you actually watch CNN or MSNBC anyway...

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 1, 2018 6:48 PM MDT
      September 1, 2018 6:45 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Yes if there is obstruction then it will come out. 
    Just naming facts...that is all I care about. 

    I do in fact watch CNN and MSNBC daily in fact. And yes I call fake news when it is fake news. Just like the fake news you quoted above. "The flippers. Trump feels such testimony should be illegal." Any "news" outlet that reported Trump as saying that proved themselves to be fake news. And yes CNN and MSNBC and numberous others were among them. That makes them being Fake News a fact. 
    CNN has been caught numerous times in lies. Most recently refusing to correct a story with Lanny Davis as a source who came on TV and said he was wrong about the story. 
      September 1, 2018 9:42 PM MDT

  • 7809
    Friggen amazing! I'll ask this again. How do you know what Mueller has at this point? Prosecutors don't share their evidence right in the middle of an investigation, but of course, you know that. Too bad you won't listen to reason. However, you seem to only listen to your own reason and no one else's. Don't bother to respond because I won't after this. I kinda get it that you won't listen to anyone else because you know you're right about your president
      September 1, 2018 12:16 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Where did I say I know what Mueller has? I said what Mueller is investigating (we know from the leaks) all happened before Trump was President. 
    Yes, Trump is a rich playboy. Not new information.... Should not a surprise that he paid hush money. And it is NOT criminal....sleezy is not a crime. He was sleezy when I voted for him. I voted on policy....I have made that clear since before the election. 
      September 1, 2018 12:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
      September 2, 2018 2:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 2, 2018 2:21 AM MDT

  • That's when America WAS great. America has that to look BACK on. This nation has lost it's integrity, credibility and responsibility, as well as it's moral bearings, because too many people are working to destroy it from within. Greatness will never be regained by using failed examples of socialism such as Venezuela and Cuba as models to build a "future". Our friends on the left cannot wrap themselves in the flag, (something they claim to hate) and try to pass themselves off as patriotic Americans when they change with the direction of the wind. The greatness and character of this nation is something that has been lost and quite possibly will never be recovered.
      September 1, 2018 10:01 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Very idealistic, but the American reality of these periods was a lot less than great. 
    Lincoln‘s America was one of the Civil War and 2 million blacks under the yoke of slavery. Yes, he Emancipated the slaves, but their lot changed very little. 600,000 Americans lay dead from 4 years of war. Lincoln was then, of course, assassinated.
    Reagan’s America was one of the Cold War, the Drug War and Voodoo Economics. I was in the Army, deployed to Reagan’s dirty little wars in Central America, Africa and the Mideast, his hands were not clean. Can we forget the Black Monday Stock Market Crash in 1987 occurred on his watch? It was a special time for popular culture however. 

    John McCain’s America was the quagmire of Vietnam, and a life of service to a political system that invariably fails the people it’s intended to serve. Honorable though McCain surely lived, he died in an America that is increasingly entrenched in divisiveness and stagnation, “we’re getting nothing done”, to quote the man himself. 

    I personally would wish to see something better than the periods you cite. America was the lone superpower, prosperous and at peace under Bill Clinton (for example), but his tenure got stained by his petty indiscretions. That said, history will be even less kind to the current occupant of the WH. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 2, 2018 2:22 AM MDT
      September 1, 2018 10:02 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I refer to the cordiality there used to be. McCain wanted JOE LIEBERMAN to be his VP. That was shot down by his party and that's why he  got stuck with that dipstick dame Sarah Palin. When Joe told John "I'm a Democrat John" his good friend John McCain said THAT'S THE POINT JOE! Then John told Joe something about the value of BIPARTISAN leadership! Imagine that?Tip O'Neil and Ronald Reagan argued about political differences when they were  on the job at work during the day and socialized when they weren't the rest of the time. The things that were accomplished were bipartisan. Yes. I know it's a dirty word today but there was a time when it wasn't. Joe Biden spoke  of being chastised  by his party because of his friendship with McCain and unsurprisingly McCain was chastised by his party for the same reason. They used to sit together sometimes in the Senate and their party bosses said "It doesn't look right"! SIGH. Joe said that's when they both knew that things were changing in politics and not for the better. So I guess you missed my point. More likely I didn't make it and so you went with what was wrong rather than what was right. Thank you for your reply DB and Happy Sunday to thee.
      September 2, 2018 2:31 AM MDT

  • 46117
    No.  Thank GOD.

    There was NOTHING shining about any of it.

    We live, we learn and we progress.

    This was a MAJOR setback but much-needed.  Like 911 which showed us what we are made of when we actually unite, this President has shown us what happens when we are lax about what we know about how government and graft happen.

    We need to take responsibility for those we put in office.  It is a full time occupation and most people cannot deal with it.  So, we either DEAL or we die.   We repeat what has happened over and worse.  

    Remember when RIGHTFULLY SO, George W. Bush was the worst president in American History?  Now he's not even a contender next to this PIG.

    Bush was a horror and now we miss his reign in many respects.  All he is is a continuation of REAGAN.

    So, don't miss Ronald either.  He was a good, honest, kind and thoughtful promoter of GOD as he saw GOD, America as he saw America, and anyone who thought differently could go scratch.  Problem is, he killed a lot of folks and he was responsible for the lies and coverups that are allowed to continue to this day.

    He was a bullish hawk and his stench of loving war is still in the noses of progressives and the love of napalm in the morning is still in the noses of right wing, send the other guy to fight my war, Republicans like Trump.

    Calling Trump a member of any party is a disgrace, yet Republican Congress stands firm for him.

    I'd like to see people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders take over.

    Then I could breathe the free air once more.


      September 1, 2018 10:50 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Your comments above are very patriotic until you mention Burnie Sanders. 
      September 1, 2018 4:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your  thoughtful reply Sharon. I referred to the bipartisan atmosphere that used to be so long ago. Not only the possiility or probability of Republicans and Democrats working together for a common causes but the actual friendship that occurred. Perhaps the last of the breed died with John McCain. His friendship with Joe Lieberman and Joe Biden and countless other Democrats maybe was the last unicorn. The ability to set differences aside and work together for a greater good. That no longer exists in politics. What does is hate and fury and jealousy and envy and pettiness and spite and vendettas and vengeful retaliation and lies and trying to destroy. Rigidity. Certitude. Nothing like it and it is getting worse.  Today people DARE NOT STAND UP FOR PRINCIPLE. Why? Because there is none. There is only  rolling over, fear, impotence and delusion. Not a good basis for anything in my opinion. Happy Sunday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 2, 2018 2:39 AM MDT
      September 2, 2018 2:38 AM MDT