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Discussion » Questions » Humor and Jokes » When was the most inappropriate time you burst into guffaws of laughter?

When was the most inappropriate time you burst into guffaws of laughter?

Posted - September 1, 2018


  • 1502
    During annual training some time ago we always had a two hour spot with the warden. He spent about 30-45 minutes speaking, mostly giving updates, and spent the rest of the time answering questions. Thankfully he’s retired. Well someone asked him a question and he gave a completely absurd lie for an answer I busted out in laughter. He was angry. He asked, “What’s so funny Mr. *my last name*?” I replied, “How dishonest and absurd your response to the last question was.”

    I had to speak with him in the hallway during break. He told me he admired my bravery, but sternly told me not to question his honesty and integrity in front of others. I told him, “I don’t care who anyone is, when they are lying and/or full of s***, I call them out.” 

    I was under a microscope for awhile. Thankfully I do my job well so they never had anything on me. I’m honest to a fault regardless of who it is.
      September 1, 2018 5:52 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Great story.
    Makes me curious about the question asked and the lie he gave as an answer.

    I have to confess that most times I've picked an obvious lie,
    I've said nothing and just observe more carefully.

    I wish more people would call each other on obvious lies,
    so I need to rethink my responses.
      September 1, 2018 6:01 PM MDT

  • 1502
    It was a question about why he didn’t lockdown the facility after two assaults on staff in the same day. He lied his butt off. He was an inmate lover and too soft on them. 
      September 1, 2018 6:08 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Sounds like he was trying to evade responsibility for actions that lead to a reduction in safety for staff.
    That makes it a pretty serious lie.
      September 1, 2018 6:10 PM MDT

  • 1502
    You are 100% correct. 
      September 1, 2018 6:15 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I would think an open-casket funeral might be a touch tacky.

    At a wedding when they say, "speak now or forever hold your piece."  guffaws of laughter would probably make the bride and/or the groom a bit uncomfortable. This post was edited by Merlin at September 2, 2018 2:09 AM MDT
      September 2, 2018 1:16 AM MDT

  • 1502
    Hi Merlin. Good to see you. 
      September 2, 2018 1:39 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Always a pleasure to see and read you Rizz. :) :)
    I am still amazed at your line of work.  I'm glad you share your ups and downs and some of the things many of us don't know about how it feels to be on "your" side of the equation.  It's cool. :) :) This post was edited by Merlin at September 2, 2018 2:10 AM MDT
      September 2, 2018 2:08 AM MDT

  • 1502
    Aw shucks. Thank you. You rock! I’m always glad to share my experiences. 
      September 2, 2018 2:09 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Big Smiles!  Happy! Happy!  
    I rarely do it now but please allow me to share a quick, silly story with you. 
    A few years ago when I was on, the original smiley face was being born.  Many of my friends there were doing it.  When I first saw it, I was baffled.  Not being very good on the computer to begin with and thinking I knew a little about punctuation, I couldn't understand why people were using a colon and a curved bracket at the end of their sentences. In fact, I couldn't even figure out how to make them.  Talk about being brain dead for about a month!!  Using my very attuned, attentive skills, (winks and smiles) I noticed they were doing it after they wrote something positive.  
    Still  not being able to figure out how to make them, I started to write, "Happy! Happy!"
    I have sense, obviously, figured this small feat out but that is why every now and again when I am really "Happy! Happy!"  I write it out.  Now, you should be able to go to bed.  A very boring story but I thought I would share and give you a heads-up if you see it again. !  The End. ;) ;)
      September 2, 2018 2:20 AM MDT

  • 1502
    Too funny and a great story. BTW, check your messages Ms. Merlin. 
      September 2, 2018 2:24 AM MDT

  • 1502
    I don’t know if you saw my discussion post about my dream last night, but I can’t sleep tonight. =(
      September 2, 2018 2:14 AM MDT

  • 8276
    I went with a few friends to see "The Death of A Salesman," when I was very young.  They told me it was a comedy.  I laughed at times just to humor them.  Very inappropriate. 
      September 2, 2018 3:13 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont so stuff like that
      September 7, 2018 1:40 PM MDT