Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» There are tons of games you can play on the internet. What kinds of games do you enjoy? Do they make you smarter/more knowledgeable?
You can also play against random players the computer matches you with. Most of the games you are on your own but can send lives and other things to others who also play the game.
Thank you for your reply m2c. When FB first got started some of our relatives joined and then invited us to join. We declined politely repeatedly and so they stopped. Happy Wednesday to thee! :)
I still play Words with Friends, Evil Apples and Tripeaks. I lost interest in Candy Crush etc a couple years ago. Dumb Ways to Die was fun for a while.
What is Candy Crush about Sbf? No disrespect intended but it sounds real dumb. I KNOW you aren't. I KNOW you are very smart so what did it offer you that appealed to you? Evil Apples? I shy away from things labeled Evil. I am a foodie but not of evil food. Any things labeled Dumb and also anything to do with Die would be offputting to moi. Maybe it has to do with sense of humor and what I find funny and what I don't? I dunno. Anyway inquiring minds (mine) would like to know what the appeal of a sugary game was. Did you win candy? Your favorite chocolates perhaps? Now THAT would interest me!Thank you for your reply! :)
Candy Crush was/is a real time puzzle game, matching triplets/fours/fives to complete levels. Addictive and time consuming - I don't really have the time to play. Evil Apples is an online version of Cards Against Humanity - a lot of fun but a warped sense of humour is mandatory. Tripeaks is a variant on Solitaire, Dumb Ways was developed from a Melbourne Metro train safety ad that went viral - you can find it on YouTube.