Well I suppose all life can be looked at as such a spiral. But that seems all too defeatist to me. Why not instead think more positively and make the most of what is given to us for ourselves as well as for others?
HOW MANY FEET OF THE GROUND WILL YOU BE WHEN IT IS TOO LATE TO PULL OUT OF THE DIVE AND YOU WILL CRASH? What the event horizon has to do with that or singularities or black holes or traveling backward in time or Schroedinger's cat I do not know. Thank you for your reply. It did not answer the question I asked but I probably didn't ask it in a way you could comprehend/understand it. Did I now?
Uh...I thought it answered the question as I read it. There is no returning after you have crossed it. You are doomed. Hey...Why didn't Scrödinger's cat cross the road? It was already on the other side.
Was it the dead version or the one that might be could be alive? D'ya know? Oy vey! Thank you for your reply Ele and Happy Friday! So how many thousands of feet off the ground will you be when you cannot reverse the dive and survive? How long does it take to reverse the momentum? I like that question. I'm gonna ask?
Well a very wise man once said "Kaput except for the tail spin" which basically means the very second something goes into a accelerated downward spiral - it's over and the only time you have left is the time it takes to hit the ground. This post reminded me of one of Doug and the Slugs songs. It's about tail spins and I often sing it and think about Donald Trump. I copied and pasted the lyrics below you could also hear the song if you Google -. Too bad + Doug and the slugs + youtube. Cheers!
Too bad that you had to get caught That's not like you to lose face So sad that you're not as smart As you thought you were in the first place Baby, I could use some of your persuasion (too bad .. persuasion .. too bad .. persuasion) To wipe away (wipe, wipe, a-wipe, a-wipe a-wipe away) the taste of your machinations (too bad .. machinations .. too bad .. machinations) It's over Kaput except for the tail spin (too bad .. for the tail spin .. too bad .. for the tail spin) Save the dialogue (baby set your dialogue) for the old men in the pool room (too bad .. such a cool room .. in the pool room .. such a cool room) Try it once, well I'm not so sure Try it twice and you're by my door Too bad that you had to get caught That's not like you to lose face So sad that you're not as smart As you thought you were in the first place The money, no more than insulation (too bad .. insulation ... too bad .. insulation) The getaway, (get get a-get a-get a-get away) I watched with fascination (too bad .. fascination .. too bad .. fascination) The hideway, Woooo! such imagination (too bad .. 'magination .. too bad .. 'magination) Ah .. the 45! Goodbye! I used it with no hesitation (too bad .. hesitation .. too bad .. hesitation) Too bad that you had to get caught That's not like you to lose face So sad that you're not as smart As you thought you were in the first place
I LOVE this Nanoose. Never heard it before but "kaput except for the tailspin" is for sure among my favorite phrase if phrase it be and it is new to me. I think I'm gonna use it again. What a PERFECT song for you know hoo. It could not be perfecter if you had written yourself. Thank you for your nifty reply Nanoose. Memorable words indeed! KAPUT EXCEPT FOR THE TAILSPIN! Geez. How great is THAT?