Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It seems the don of john gives orders that are not carried out. On purpose. So we are not seeing him in all his glory are we?

It seems the don of john gives orders that are not carried out. On purpose. So we are not seeing him in all his glory are we?

Did he really order the assassination of Assad or starting a war with Iran or North Korea? The military prevent the more outrageous things he wants to do and protects from his worst ideas and stands down behind his back and HE DOESN'T NOTICE? How is that possible? Isn't that a coup? How much of that has been going on all this time?  So in effect we do not have civilian control of the military do we? They act (or don't act) on their own. Banana Republic? I dunno which is worse folks. If everything the super don of john had ORDERED to be done had been done would we be better off or worse? No way to know for sure. What is your GUT feeling though? Who is in charge?

Posted - September 6, 2018


  • 11414
    Awhile back I started thinking that maybe one of the ways Trump will be taking out of office is with a coup and yesterday it started looking a little more possible. You and me might not be seeing Trump in all his "glory" but there are people that do and I think more and more of them are thinking he is threat to the Nation  and they are getting ready to act (hopefully it will be in a democrat way). Cheers! 
      September 6, 2018 10:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It's sure getting exciting Nanoose, isn't it?  Maybe more folks will pour out of the woodwork with the truth anonymously. Or maybe folks who are straightshooters will identify themselves and tell the truth. One can only HOPE! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
      September 6, 2018 10:29 AM MDT