Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What a sales pitch from the S O (fitb). "if you don't go out and vote I will be impeached". What a speech! Who coulda said it better?
His base loves him for it. They adore him for it. Self-serving selfish self-centered is what they crave and what he delivers daily. He never lets them down and they never tire of it. All I can say Nanoose is "different strokes for different folks". Go figger! Thank you for your reply! :)
Sounds like a an act of desperation.. is that the only way he can get people to vote for his mob now? By threatening, lying and manipulating? Oh yea, right, he did that all along - only now he seems even more desperate.
Of course I don't KNOW for sure but it seems to me that whatever he says or does and however he says it or does it is all the same to them. He is their perfection in all ways and so he can do no wrong. Now the rest of us perceive it very differently. The hardware and the software is very different between those who adore super don and those who despise him. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)