Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "Smooth running well oiled machine". The super don White House per super don. He sez he trusts everyone around him. Seriously. Seriously?
About a year ago Trump started saying that the White house is running like a well oiled machine then he claimed that he invented the phrase a well oiled machine. Back then he also said that he trusted the people around him but I could hear the grinding machine gears and smell the smoke caused by the friction on the gears from way over here in Canada. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at September 8, 2018 2:36 AM MDT
When the grinder blows up or breaks down can it be repaired or do you have to throw it out and get a brand new machine Nanoose? I remember years ago there was a "health-food" bakery of sorts within walking distance to where I worked. They grinded (grounded?) the grains daily and sold the most awesome baked goods. I was hooked on their HUGE raisin bran muffins. One was a meal theywere so big. I remember taking some home because my dad really loved them too. That really has nothing to do with my question or your answer but you know me..I'm a FOODIE! Boy I sure would like some of those muffins today! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
I think the ability of his base to believe everything he says is remarkable. I wonder what kind of brain is that flexible? There must be a medical reason for it. I'm gonna ask! Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
With all of the discord, defections and “flipping” arising from his administration and his inner circle, not to mention the river of false claims emanating from the man himself, no one with a working brain cell should think there’s any truth to Trump’s claim here.
Is there any further proof needed that the Prez either A) literally thinks EVERYBODY is stupid, or B) is so consumed by his self-serving delusion that he is unrestrained by any contact with reality, or C) both.
That said, I hold no doubt that he will continue to prove these observations accurate.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 8, 2018 2:41 AM MDT
He does get away with it DB simply because his base is so "flexible". That is to say their brains are able to believe everything he says all the time regardless of contradictions. They believe he always tells the truth and therefore that would mean he never lies. They buy it and so of course he believes if they buy it others will too. Why they buy it is going to be the subject of my next question. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)