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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » And so it begins! Ivana and Jared in Vanity Fair blame John Kelly and his deputy for the Anonymous Op Ed! Could it be them?

And so it begins! Ivana and Jared in Vanity Fair blame John Kelly and his deputy for the Anonymous Op Ed! Could it be them?

That's what super don does. He always points the finger at others who accuse him of anything. Remember when Hillary said he is a puppet of Putin and super don said "Puppet. You're the puppet". Same thing here. Ivanka carries his blood in her veins. To throw off any hint that it's them she accuses another rather than remaining silent? Who is next to accuse whom? And then  that person will accuse another and another and another and it will be like Murder on the Orient Express. Who done it? They all done it. They all participated in one way or the other. They all contributed. There is no ONE. There is EVERYONE.

Posted - September 8, 2018


  • 13395
    I wonder if could have been John McCain who scribed the NYT op ed piece -to be published after his death or has that been refuted? 
      September 8, 2018 9:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know what sweetie? That thought crossed my mind but only briefly. He did not work for super don. He was alway part of the LOUD RESISTANCE. I think the op ed by someone in the underground resistance though I could be wrong. Maybe it some of the words used were used to keep folks off the track, off balance? Thank you for your reply Kg and Happy Saturday to thee. It might well have been Senator McCain's parting gift to his country. I mean I wouldn't put it past him! :)
      September 8, 2018 9:50 AM MDT

  • 11412
    At Trumps last rally he said a couple of things that made me wonder. One was  when he seemed to be saying that it probably was a she that wrote the anonymous letter.  And he said something about the farmers can go back to work and if their kids don't respect them cut them out.  If it is Ivonka and Trump tells her he is cutting her out of his will she will retaliate and write a tell all book that would ruin Trump (I'm getting maple scented goose bumps thinking about it). At the rally Trump also said something that cracked me up - he tried to say an anonymous person  but he mispronounced anonymous so he tried it 3 more X mispronouncing it each time so he gave up and said - a unknown person. Reminded me of when Daffy Duck tried to say your despicable to Bugs Bunny he kept  mispronouncing despicable so he gave up and said your terrible. Cheers and happy weekend!
      September 8, 2018 11:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What you write could absolutely be true. I did see/hear super don mispronounce anonymous! It was hilarious.  Just like when George W. Bush would pronounce nuclear  NUCULER! But d'ya  know what stands out for me in what you wrote m'dear? MAPLE SCENTED GOOSEBUMPS! Once again you brought something brand new into my life that I LOVE just as you did the other day with your KAPUT! I am ever in your debt for that Nanoose. Do maple scented goosebumps ever go kaput? Thank you for your thoughtful and quite possibly spot-on reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 9, 2018 1:56 AM MDT

  • 11412
    Maple scented goose bumps don't go kaput they just go down after the thrill is gone like normal unscented goose bumps. There are different scented goose bumps like when Trump put kids in cages he got sulfur scented goose bumps and when he lies he gets manure scented goose bumps. Cheers!
      September 9, 2018 9:42 AM MDT