Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I KNOW we are not supposed to ASSUME anything about anyone. But I do. Do you? What?

I KNOW we are not supposed to ASSUME anything about anyone. But I do. Do you? What?

I always assume people are as smart as I am if not way lots loads smarter. I never assume they are dumber or ignorant. I never talk down to folks nor do I go out of my way to use "easy" words because I know they will  understand me very well with whatever words I choose to use. Do you assume the same? Why?

Posted - September 9, 2018


  • 11420
    The only time I assume anything about anybody is if their thin and they got the Scabies Scabies are something crake or meth heads get. There caused by the persons body trying to get rid of the poison by pushing it out threw the skin pores which is really itchy so they scratch the areas till they get open sores. It always makes me assume that their not to be trusted  but I also think - for the grace of God there go I  so I try to give them a bit of respect. Cheers!
      September 9, 2018 3:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Icky poo yuck Nanoose! SCABIES? Yikes. Didja ever see anyone who has 'em? I remember that would be a taunt or something decades ago when I was kid. They'd say someone they didn't like had scabies. Just looked it up. It's a contagous skin disease occurring in sheep and cattle and humans. It's due to an "itch mite" that burrows under the skin! So different species of animal can get the same disease. Icky poo yuck! That's not directed at thee Nanoose of course.  As for your "there but for the grace of God go I" has occurred to me before. I saw a very drunk homeless person staggering along a fence as I was driving to work one day very long ago. He fell and then got up and continued on. I wondered what kind of life had brought him to that point and was thankful that whatever it was that did I had avoided. Thank you for your reply m'dear and of course a question occurs to me which I shall ask! :)
      September 10, 2018 3:20 AM MDT