Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Any of you addicted to Name-Brand clothes/shoes/purses? What's the priciest name-brand anything you own and was it a gift or didja buy it?
Many of my shoes cost up to £ 2000 a pair....I would never buy them at that price ,most all are given to me by who I live with or who I'm working for...
Lucky young lady thee be D! I used to be much more of a shoe person than I am now. I had a wealthy friendly acquaintance who took me shoe shopping once. It was to a little out-of-the-way store I had never known of before. They carried only very pricey name-brand shoes at a rock-bottom price. I bought a couple of pairs of shoes that were very stylish and beautiful at a surprisingly affordable price. I guess very wealthy folks know where you can get the best deals! I have to tell you D when I wore those shoes I did feel kinda classy. Isn't it funny how clothes can affect you that way? Or at least they did me. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee! :) !
I use to do exclusive expensive swim wear Rosie....the more it cost the less material it has in them...lol
Just because shoes are expensive doesn't mean they are comfortable to wear....many women buy them because their friends like them and then try cramming their feet into them...lol I can walk in all the shoes I buy with out discomfort....I can't wear them all either...there are just to many now...lol
Maybe one day you can open a shoe museum D. I mean there are museums to many things, some of them very sad and depressing. A museum of beautiful shoes would perk up folks. I can visualize it now! It would have attached to it a place where we could serve HIGH TEA! I've experienced several of them thanks to my former daughter-in-law who is the world's most ferociously dedicated Anglophile! A lot of her rubbed off on me and that's why I adore you Brits and all that comes with you. Anyway I digress. One of the most memorable High Teas was when we visited her and my son when he was going to college in Hawaii to get his Master's. After getting his Ph.d at UCLA he moved to Hawaii and teaches at the University in Honolulu and has a different wife. Anyway the High Tea was at a lovely hotel right on the Beach at Waikiki. It was on the veranda overlooking the beach and the ocean. A multi-tiered serving thingy was brought out and there were tiny sandwiches of all sorts on each level. We were given our choice of teas and it was altogether a really nifty experience. Then we went to one in the San Francisco area when they lived there. It was hidden actually. You went to a store and then through a back door to a small room where about 5 tables were set up. It wasn't advertised. We had High Tea there and it very nice though of course the view was rather claustrophobic. Like those movies you see where you knock on a door and say "Joe sent me"? Then another time we had High Tea at a local very pricey restaurant in Riverside called The Mission Inn. My favorite was the one at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel on the beach at Waikiki. For obvious reasons. Wow I sure digressed from shoes didn't I? Apologies! Thank you for your reply D! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at September 10, 2018 3:46 AM MDT
I remember years ago Levi used to carry what they called 'Sta-Prest" jeans. "Never need ironing". They fit me perfectly. I have a very flat butt so regular jeans were always too baggy on me. There was a store nearby where I shopped for them. I still have a couple of pairs believe or not. I'm not hard on clothes! Then there was a designer named Halston and my then-fiancee bought me a beautiful pantsuit and silk blouse as well as a lovely blue dress. When I wore them I felt very classy. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Monday! :)