Discussion » Questions » Weather » What's your favorite kinda weather? Sunshiny, rainy, snowy, foggy? Why?

What's your favorite kinda weather? Sunshiny, rainy, snowy, foggy? Why?


Posted - August 18, 2016


  • 477

    Well, I like a little of everything as long as it doesn't last too long, but my favorite weather is mid-70s, with a light amount of clouds, and a nice breeze. That kind of weather is perfect for me because I like to spend time outside without rain gear or sunblock. 

      August 18, 2016 12:34 PM MDT

  • 6988

     I like an impending thunderstorm.  FLASH,CRASH, and BOOM!  Having had a very close encounter with lightning, I seek shelter like a girlyman.

      August 18, 2016 1:10 PM MDT

  • 1615

    I'm with you New England four seasons especially the fall and spring are great.  

      August 18, 2016 1:12 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I like the best of each season.  I was born in the Mid West so I am used to weather.  I love a beautiful snowy morning after a night of snow where everything is pristine and it is not so cold that you cannot stand it.  You can put on your best winter gear and have at being the first one to implant foot prints on this masterpiece.  I love winter clothes.  I love wools, suits, sweaters, coats, boots, hats you name it.  I love all things sweater.

    Exactly the opposite of Phoenix.  I don't think I even own a piece of wool down here.

    I love Fall so much.   It is brisk and gives me all kinds of energy. 

    I love Spring.  I love the beginning of the flowers and the changing temperature to warmer and warmer

    And unless you are are down here?  I love the summer most of all.  This is a bit OVER the top.  I think of summer here when most people are having a Spring.

    We have temps in the 80's then.  That is perfection.

    Until Hell happens. 

    THE END.....

      August 18, 2016 1:20 PM MDT

  • 5835

    Rain is  nice break. This area gets about all the sunshine anybody can stand. Sometimes we get snow, but it dries up before a reporter can get a picture.

      August 18, 2016 8:56 PM MDT

  • 1264

    I'm just weird, I like all of the different weathers. I love the sunshine and yet love to surf in the rain and fog, no snow here but I like all, like I said I'm a weirdo.

      August 18, 2016 9:00 PM MDT

  • 3191

    I enjoy most of the variations in weather.  I particularly love rain, especially thunderstorms and snow, especially certain types of snowstorms.  Why, hmm...I love the soft refreshing of the air and landscape with a gentle rain or snow, and I love the violent resetting I feel with a storm of any kind.   

      August 18, 2016 9:02 PM MDT

  • 113301

    Jim and I both love AUTUMN weather best. 65-70...sunshine, cool breeze. We really dislike the heat of summer. In Hemet it gets up into the triple digits then. But tomorrow is the first day of Autumn so  whoopee! Thank you for your reply lovely! :)

      September 21, 2016 3:54 AM MDT