My son took one and we weren't overly surprised by the results, though I give him crap about getting a high percentage of neanderthal DNA. He swears he got it from me, but I'm thinking no. I need to get a test too.
For some reason I keep coming back to this question. It might be because I don't want to put doubt in people who believe. It might be because I could be totally off my rocking chair. I'm not sure but I'm going to go ahead and put it out here anyway. All that know me know.... this is very out-of-character for me. I am trusting to my own determent. Anyway, here it goes.
I think it is wonderful to trace back and find your roots and origin. It is a huge wonder we share. I know I am a mutt. I also have inside information on my "Mutt-lee-hood" because I know a good big about my Grandma and mom's side of our family. If I wanted to persue my fathers, I DO have the ablity, just as many of do with a computer and even those who don't. Where there is a will.... There is a way. With all this introduction my point is this. The people that run these companies don't know any more about your family history than I do. Granted, they may have a bigger data base than your computer does; but do you know them? Are you going to trust their answers? Can you prove them right or wrong? I just don't see sending some stranger a bunch of moneyl, with my DNA and expecting them to find... or care.... about giving me anything. They want the cash. It's a business. They aren't really looking for anything for you or to benefit you. They are looking to laugh and line their pockets. I also have a hard time giving out information that makes my mom, dad, sister up through my DNA. I am a VERY giving person who loves share happiness and knowledge I have gained throughout my life. But, under all that, I am one you can always trust because I don't give information out about my family or friends. I have a VERY strong rule of thumb. If someone else wanted to give that information, they will or would. If they gave me information, it was by their choice and not mine to share with a stranger to find out about where I came from or anything about that person. I am grateful they shared it with me and NOT two-faced, put them in danger, or say anything about someone else unless I have permission from them. I have a friend who went to 23andMe. She bought it for herself, her daughter, her son, and her mother. Her daughter and son have the same father. Her mother was married to only one man when she had my friend. Their reports came back very different. It makes me wonder... This one should have been easy. I find it to be one of the biggest and successful scams ever run. On the other hand, Who knows? How can you prove it wrong? You don't know what they are saying is right. We don't have the ability to go back in time. If we did and you were curious, you would and not pay them a dime. They have the upper hand, anyway you look at it. Then again, who knows? Exactly. Please save your money and be happy for whatever DNA made you who you are today. Be grateful you have the ability to do the things you can and have friends, family, and a life. Be grateful and thankful. Be happy with that. :) :)
This post was edited by Merlin at September 25, 2018 10:50 AM MDT
No, because I have doubts about their reliability when it comes to identifying national or ethnic origin, and the family history research I have done tells me as much as I want or need to know about that side of things. On that basis I am satisfied that I am at least 93.75% indigenous British (mostly English, although one of my great-great grandparents lived right on the Welsh border). My maternal grandmother always claimed to have Austrian Jewish ancestry on her father's side but the documentary evidence for this is missing or inconclusive.