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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BAIT AND SWITCH! We heard super don say Mexico was gonna pay for the wall. You know who is gonna pay whom for what?

BAIT AND SWITCH! We heard super don say Mexico was gonna pay for the wall. You know who is gonna pay whom for what?

Seems that super don can't deport folks fast enough so he wants Mexico to help do that in return for which super don WILL PAY MEXICO $20 million of your buckaroos. Sheesh.

Posted - September 14, 2018


  • 35039
    As long as the wall gets built, I don't care who pays. And if Mexico wants to handle IM-porting their people....I am fine with that too. Still cheaper than what illegals cost this country annually.
      September 14, 2018 1:00 PM MDT