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what are some things you have lost in a bar

i lost a jacket, a hat, glasses, and even my passport once

Posted - September 14, 2018


  • 44742
    My dignity when I tried to sing karaoke. Other than that I usually steal something.
      September 15, 2018 8:42 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Singing karaoke?!  That was You?  It's all coming clear to me now.   You were the one who stole my hair pick, my lipstick, my drink, my credit card, had numerous drinks put on my tab, and my hairspray!  That's why you looked so good!!  Ahhh HA!!!  I knew I recognized that perfume when you sashayed past.
    Personally, I think you did a pretty good job with this!

      September 16, 2018 5:26 PM MDT

  • 44742
    Excuse me my Mage...that was Randy. I only steal shot glasses. I am verklempt.
      September 16, 2018 6:23 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Time that could have been spent elsewhere doing something constructive and purposeful. :)
      September 15, 2018 10:44 AM MDT

  • 22891
    nothing since i dont go to bars
      September 15, 2018 3:29 PM MDT

  • 10026
    What I've lost might add up to what I found.  I was a bartender for years along with a restaurant manager.  Probably at some point or the other, I have just about lost everything but my virginity and my husband in a bar.  I DID Find him there!! That makes up for all the things I lost or had stolen. This post was edited by Merlin at September 16, 2018 6:29 PM MDT
      September 16, 2018 5:31 PM MDT

  • 44742 don't remember that night in the back seat of my Buick in the parking lot?
      September 16, 2018 6:24 PM MDT

  • 1502
    I lost my ability to think properly and my dignity last time I was at a bar. I am not a dancer at all. I had enough I decided to dance. While most of my friends were recording me on their phones one thoughtful friend drug me offI the dance floor and was able to seat me. The others showed me the videos. Even though I was drunk I was embarrassed. 
      September 16, 2018 5:33 PM MDT

  • 44742
    I know you are a man but was it something like this?
      September 16, 2018 6:28 PM MDT

  • 1502
    I wish I had been that good and coordinated. More like this:
      September 16, 2018 6:31 PM MDT

  • 44742
    Must not have been that bad. Same people coming to kick your ass.
      September 16, 2018 6:36 PM MDT