Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Do you love your parents more than you love your children? Would you sacrifice yours kids' welfare to protect daddy dearest? Why?
i don’t have any children yet but i know when i do i will love them more than anything else including my own parents. i love my parents because they are my parents and they made me and kept me alive for the first 18 years of my life but i didn’t really ask for it you know. when you have a kid you’re doing it for selfish reasons and because of that you have a moral obligation to love and protect them more than anyone else, probably even yourself. the world is really crappy and scary and children dont ask to be born so parents should love their children unconditionally and infinitely because no one else is going to
I agree with every word you wrote furry. I think it's unnatural if you don't love your children best of all and do whatever you can to protect them. You will be a fine parent I'm sure because you understand that kids don't ask to be born and they get no say in whom there parents are. It is indeed a selfish thing people do and sometimes sadly an "accident". Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to you! :)
I can't imagine Ivanka and Jared throwing themselves under the bus to protect super don because if they did that their children would be victims of super don and forever damaged. I wonder what super don will do if it comes to that and his "kids" shape up stand up speak up and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I'm sorry your parents cheated you out of a great childhood DB. All children should be loved and honored and appreciated but some parents are just plain selfish bums. You turned out great from what I'm able to gather through our discussions. And you had an EXCELLENT example of what NOT TO BE so that's something. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
I don't know how the Trump family does it as far as priorities go (And I know that's what we're talking about here), nor do I care or have any interest whatever. I know this, my family may be an odd tribe, but we take care of our own. Parents, children, grandchildren, if you can name 'em, we can take care of 'em. The bonds of family are strong. We meet each other's needs. We have been family oriented for a hundred years and we wouldn't have it any other way.
The question is would you sacrifice your children to protect your parents? Which may face Ivanka and Jared. Will they stand up speak up and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (flip) or will they stay mum and loyal to super don and face whatever criminal charges may implicate them and go down with super don? Thank you for your reply DA and Happy Sunday! :)
Not a question that should ever be asked or answered Rosie.....You only hurt yourself and those that you hold dear to you...
Its in natures interest that life must go on and survival of the youngest is the most important ... Many species of animals ,fish,plants give their life to spawn or reproduce....we should be no different from them really....