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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual intimidation. No one cared. He is a SCOTUS Justice. Brett Kavanaugh' too but much worse. So what?

Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual intimidation. No one cared. He is a SCOTUS Justice. Brett Kavanaugh' too but much worse. So what?

On the SCOTUS two of the nine(assuming KAV is confirmed) are macho dude sexual perverts (say it's tru just for the halibut). Something of which to be enormously proud isn't it? Even sex perverts can aspire to high positions. The American people don't care. Different strokes for different folks. As long as the Justice is a conservative and rules that way anything goes. Can we make it 3 or 4 sex perverts perhaps during the reign of super don? I mean one of the Justices, a LIBERAL, is 85. How long can she survive?. Super don can relate to sexual abuse/perversion in men because he is one of them  and certainly would have no problemo with it. They're his kinda guys aren't they? SIGH.  :(:(:

Posted - September 15, 2018


  • This is the last resort of the "howling mob". It's how they think(mindless wonders that they are). If you can't get 'em or bring 'em down during the confirmation ballyhoo, then smear 'em. It worked with Robert Bork, almost worked with Clarence Thomas, may yet work with Kavanaugh. Placing the rule of law before the lawless is like putting a tuxedo on a hog. It's like witnessing the breakdown of constitutional law when the ignorant get their hands on it and drag the process through the gutter.
      September 15, 2018 9:43 AM MDT