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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who is rich enough to buy all these folks who are fingering super don who as we all know is innocent as a newborn babe. Right?

Who is rich enough to buy all these folks who are fingering super don who as we all know is innocent as a newborn babe. Right?

It is massive collusion and conspiracy to gather together all these people and force them to lie about the pure and innocent super don who did nothing wrong. That is what his TV mouthpiece insists is true and of course all right-thinking honorable people agree with he. Oy vey and SIGH. VYE OY VYE OH VYE? What did that sweet honorable innocent precious priceless super don ever do to anyone?  Nothing that's what but they are all getting paid off by a super rich someone. Why? Jealous envy of course. Why else?

Posted - September 15, 2018


  • 11404
    Oprah Winfrey is rich enough to do that but I don't think she would do that even in her worst nightmare. I'm really hoping she will run in the next president race. Cheers and happy weekend!
      September 15, 2018 10:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    She is smart enough for sure and she is rich enough that she can't be bought off. But why would she want the headache? Imagine what all the racist super don base would do?  Of course super don would say that she wasn't a Christian or an American but was born in Nigeria or something. There would be references to monkeys because that's how racists perceive and speak of people of color and there would be digs about her intellect. You know the "low IQ" attack that super don flings at African Americans? That's just the beginning. The hate machine would be in full gear. Billions of dollars would be collected to destroy her. Not they they could but they would not stand for that double whammy! A WOMAN who happened to be an AFRICAN AMERICAN leading their country? It would be over someone's dead body sadly. But I wish we lived in a country where none of what I wrote would happen but we don't. That faction is deadly evil delusional and filled with hatred. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 16, 2018 1:59 AM MDT