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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » White cop dame murders black dude in his own apartment. She has lotsa apologist defenders spinners.Now FLIP IT. Reverse it. Same/un?

White cop dame murders black dude in his own apartment. She has lotsa apologist defenders spinners.Now FLIP IT. Reverse it. Same/un?

Black dude cop murders white dame in her own apartment. Whom do you support and why?
Black dame cop murders white dude in his own apartment Whom do you support and why?

You are told that the cop THOUGHT he/she was entering his/her own apartment and thought the murder victim was an intruder. Do you buy that? Seriously? How much did you pay?

In America if you're white you get away with a lot more badness than if you aren't. Color is really important here vis a vis getting nailed or walking. Is it equally important in other elsewheres? Is color where it's at for everything everywhere every time? If so ain't THAT a crime or is it sublime and finely divine?  Inquiring minds wanna know.

Posted - September 17, 2018


  • 1502
    I personally don’t know anyone who is supporting this killer. Sadly there will always be people who support wrong doings and bad people. What matters is she’s being charged. It sounds like she may face a stricter charge. She belongs in prison. She could have handled the situation so much better from what I understand.

    With that said do you know for sure it was because he is black? How do you know she wouldn‘t have shot a white person in the same situation? The whole thing is a tragedy and I hope she’s behind bars for a long time.
      September 17, 2018 4:04 AM MDT