You know.. I was always a very open person.. online and in person.. I'd tell anyone anything.. and believed that was the best way to be.. no secrets and no one can harm you.. but I learned, and this was relatively recently, within the last year, that actually if you tell secrets or even be open... then people can use that against you.. I am not fairly guarded, especially at work, it's a horrible feeling.. but I have found it necessary..
I am very sorry that you have been subjected to betrayal Addb. It is one of the dangers of being open and honest. I remember decades ago a co-worker friend of mine (Dorothy was her name) asked why I was always so open and honest? She said "people will use it against you Rosie". I told her I can't be any other way. You are whom you are and so there are pitfalls along the way that come with it. Those who betray that confidence hurt you of course. But the onus is on them not you. I remember the first BIG BETRAYAL. I was in my 20's and had become very good friends with one of the salesmen in the office. Such good friends that I'd socialize with him and his family. His wife and I got along splendidly and the kids were great. So I treated him like the older brother I never had and always wanted. One day I was having a conversation with "the boss". A sneaky snaky guy that I didn't really like and he said something to me about something I had confided only to my salesmen friend. To say I was shocked and hurt is an understatement. I never spoke to him again. That was awkward in the office but I couldn't talk to him. It still hurts so many decades later. But I survived it and I still trust folks and I still get hurt sometimes but that comes with the territory of being me. My only fault is in believing that people are better than they are. So shoot me! Of course there are some situations and people who repel me and I just clam up with them. I don't think you can really change whom you are Addb. At least for me I'm the same person I was then in that regard. Maybe a little bruised and here and there a black-and-blue mark if you look very closely but so what? If life's a battle I'm always ready to fight and you can't expect to have no scars from engaging interacting with others. Thank you for your reply. I hope there is no long-term damage/harm to you. That would be a shame.
I don’t have secrets. I‘m honest with everyone. However, I’m a private person. Only those who are very close to me know everything about me. My life is my business and not anyone else’s as long as I’m not harming anyone. People gossip. People share personal details of others behind their backs. I’m cautious who I let into my personal life and who I completely open up to.