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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "There there there. Don't worry your pretty little head. Everything will be alright. You will see". Crap right? How can ANYONE KNOW THAT?

"There there there. Don't worry your pretty little head. Everything will be alright. You will see". Crap right? How can ANYONE KNOW THAT?

Posted - September 19, 2018


  • 6477
    Totally agree.. all those statements are well-meaning but they are belittling and also dis-empowering..  Often things won't be ok.. I get this said to me.. everything will be alright, or I hope things get better soon.. NO, they won't.. and it belittles my suffering.. I do know though that people say those things from a sense of wanting to make everything ok, from feeling helpless to change things or to help the person.. 
      September 19, 2018 9:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    When someone got a smack upside the head metaphorically and there is nothing you can do to make it better all you have to offer are words Addb. And hugs too but silence is not comforting. Saying "get over it and move on" is insulting. But here's what IS TRUE. "The sun will come up tomorrow". "Tomorrow is  new day". "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life". Time does heal. Getting through it to then is never easy. So we search about for something to say that is hopefully a little comforting. This is what I say because it's true. "You never know what's around the next corner or over the next hill". From one day to the next as long as you keep moving forward there is hope that you will find better elsewhere in time. Also for anyone to say "put it behind you and move on" is really saying "I'm tired of listening to you so stifle it". Sigh. Those words are NEVER HELPFUL . I don't know about you but I feel what I feel and think what I think and there is always a process I have to go through to get beyond whatever the current situation is. There are no shortcuts to that process. Time is helpful. No question about it. It does not heal all wounds but they stop bleeding and after awhile aren't painful unless you apply pressure. I rambled a bit but I know you get the point. You just have to dig for it! You are a very good digger! Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      September 20, 2018 1:57 AM MDT