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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Senate Republicans are obviously TERRIFIED of the blue wave they believe will engulf them in the November mid-term election. Why else rush?

Senate Republicans are obviously TERRIFIED of the blue wave they believe will engulf them in the November mid-term election. Why else rush?

They are FRANTIC to confirm Kav yesterday because they KNOW if Dems win and take back the house and may be even the Senate there is no way in He** Kav or anyone will be confirmed immediately. NO WAY. They'll be way too busy working on investigations and impeachment. Way too busy. The Republican Senators KNOW THIS and so they r ush rush rush rush rush. If they do go through the PROPER PROCESS and let the FBI check out these allegations FIRST there will be plenty of time to vote to confirm before election day in November. Plenty of time. They can do it properly appropriately and follow procedure or they can continue to bully intimidate bulldog their way through ASAP. Whatcha think they're gonna do hey hey hey? If KAV is innocent as he insists he is HE SHOULD WELCOME IT. Shouldn't  he?

Posted - September 20, 2018


  • 35038
    The rush is to get Kavanaugh approved before SCOTUS is back in sesion Oct 1. 
    Feinstien played politics with this lady's life. She held the letter since July. She should have turned it over then (if could have been done without outting the woman) instead she held and then used it for political reasons and still did not protect the woman's identity....someone in the Dem committee leaked her name forcing her into the public. 
    Next time the Dems claim to be "champion for women" remember what they have done to this woman for politics.
      September 20, 2018 6:44 AM MDT

  • 11403
    Well there will be a blue wave coming in from Canada too. There are 18.000 Americans living in Vancouver BC and they are going to make sure they vote in the mid terms. Cheers!
      September 20, 2018 9:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I like the cut of your jib m'dear! Very awesome! A cool breeze from the north is always welcome sez me especially if the north is Canada and especially if it hits in November on election day! Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Thursday! :)
      September 20, 2018 9:47 AM MDT