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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever been violated in any way? Been assaulted, had your home broken into or your car stolen? How did it make you feel? For how long?

Ever been violated in any way? Been assaulted, had your home broken into or your car stolen? How did it make you feel? For how long?

Posted - September 20, 2018


  • 17055
    All three, though not at the same time. Bullied as a kid, that left me determined to learn how to fight. The robberies made me furious.
      September 20, 2018 8:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know Sbf. Me too. You don't ever really get over it. The nerve of them! Though it's not something I think of daily. But when I do think of it I get angry again. Invasion of your private space. Your body, your mental state, your home, your car. Someone going through your things. I wonder who the first bully, thief, criminal was? But I digress.  Thank you for your reply m'dear. Weeks after the apartment break-in I'd reach for a spice or herb when I was in the kitchen that was no longer there! I had two cars stolen...both volkswagons. I had my purse stolen twice. Of course the purses were my fault. I left them in my car (dummy me)  at 5:30am in the morning in the dark(who was up at that time watching me?) and one on the sewing machine right inside the front door of my apartment. I thought it was out of sight but once again I was wrong!  :( Even so what nerve!  :(
      September 20, 2018 8:47 AM MDT