Here's the backstory to the question.
We're in the cookie/cracker aisle. There is a package of imported ginger thins from Sweden. 5oz pack $1.88. RIGHT NEXT TO IT is the exact same ginger thins in plainer packaging. 10oz for $1.48. No joke. Now the 5oz size packaging is snazzier and more eye-appealing. I checked the ingredients and they were identical. Same manufacturer except the snazzier pack said Swedish thins and in smaller letters appeared "ginger". The larger package said Ginger Thins. Could it have been an error or are they testing you to see if you automatically reach for the fancier package without comparing the labels or prices? I didn't ask an employee about it. But from time to time I see stuff like that going on. One week a certain brand of soup is priced $1.00 higher than another flavor. The next week they switch prices. Now what is that about? We're being tested to see how much we are willing to pay for certain flavors? I love to go shopping. I read all the labels. I pay attention. Take carrots for example. Two 1lb packs were $1.00 each while a 2lb pack was $2.50. You assume the larger size is cheaper don't you? I used to but it isn't that way all the time!