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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Interesting studies conclude that good-looking people tend to be Conservative. I don't doubt that at all. Why you ask?

Interesting studies conclude that good-looking people tend to be Conservative. I don't doubt that at all. Why you ask?

One theory is that good-looking people tend to be treated better than those who are average. Makes sense. I'm  sure guys would rather date Melania Trump than Eleanor Roosevelt. And gals would rather date JFK than they would  LBJ. I'm just sayin'. So good-looking people see the world as a very JUST place. Of course how others treat you helps shape whom you become. Republican women ARE prettier than their Democratic counterparts because they attract rich men and they can keep up keeping up their beauty. They don't have to worry about earning a living or being talented or essential to a company.  They don't have to worry about paying bills or putting their kids through college or being down to their last $5 before payday which is a week  away and the car breaks down. I've been there. Lots of folks have. One of the bigly perks of being wealthy for the guys is getting the hot babes. Even if you're old and fat and not appealing yourself!  Wealthy women are more pampered. Being pampered helps a lot in how you look. This is not to say that some or many of them don't work  but they are usually jobs saved for the rich and famous. They aren't secretaries or "administrative assistants" or file clerks or bookkeepers.  As for me I did OK when I was younger. No drop-dead beauty ever but I did have my good days and enough admirers to feel good about myself. I'm a Progressive Liberal Democrat. If I had been BEAUTIFUl might I be a Republican too? Sheesh. How would I know? I'm guessing no but then mebbe?

Posted - September 23, 2018


  • 6098
    I trust this is an attempt at humor and perhaps if I answer it seriously you can have a laugh at my expense.  But here goes - nonsense.  Both my husband and I are conservative enough, he has been all his life, and neither of us is what would be considered "good looking".  Generally.  Though I grew up well off (oh we were Democrats) I became more a hippie and to some extent needed men to live until my later 20s after which I made my own way in the world and ended up doing pretty well for myself.      Never married until I was 53 and have continued to workmy regular job since then and probably will until I retire in five or so years.  Which btw has been for almost 30 years an administrative assistant!  May not have ever been a "hot babe" but have had, and continue to have, enough attention to make me feel good about myself and that I matter in the world.  And I know plenty of Democratic women who are beautiful (very much so) as well as stunning!  And rather than just view the world as "unjust" I have always tried to take it on its own terms.  I am practical that way.  Instead of blaming the "world" or "society" I try instead to look at how I am unjust and work on myself.  When we do that we get a new perspective on everything. 
      September 23, 2018 9:11 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I think I have read that.. I would say in the UK it can be tied up with wealth and genetics.. rich people can choose good looking spouses, even if they are ugly they might well produce good-looking offspring who will continue the good-looking genes.. Wealthy people tend also to have less harsh lives and better access to health and wellbeinng services.. 

    To some extent the same may be true of America.. look at Trump, it's hard to imagine an uglier person inside or outside but he has a gorgeous wife.. Money speaks. 
      September 23, 2018 12:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It buys plastic surgery up the kazoo as well Addb. If you have enough money you can perfectionize yourself. It's hard to know how I would spend my days if I were very wealthy. I always needed to work. I grew up in a family where my mom worked as well as my dad. I'd say we were somewhat below the middle class average though we had a home and clothes and food and never had to go without the essentials. But we didn't do vacations. I remember only one. We did a couple of weekend jaunts to visit relatives. But we had a good childhood. We were lucky. After summer vacation was over the tich kids would talk about where they went and what they did. The rest of us were silent and just listened. That's just the way it was and the divide between them that has way more than they will ever need and them who are barely hanging  on is so much wider than it used to be. Wrong direction sez me! Thank you for your thoughtful reply Addb! :)
      September 24, 2018 3:58 AM MDT