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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Poor guy! Holed up in a beach house to escape the furor. Mark Judge, the self-confessed teenage alcoolic pal Kav has. A beach house?

Poor guy! Holed up in a beach house to escape the furor. Mark Judge, the self-confessed teenage alcoolic pal Kav has. A beach house?

When poor folks need to "hole up" somewhere to get out of the spotlight how many of them have a beach house they can run away to and hide? They usually go to a relative's or a friend's house and sleep on the sofa or sleeping bag on the floor. The rich are different from me and thee.  Mark Judge has a great ocean view while he "holes up" out of view. SIGH.

Posted - September 25, 2018


  • 6098
    I guess nice work if you can get it!
      September 25, 2018 8:24 AM MDT

  • 628
    Your hate truly knows no bounds. White men, "rich" people, anyone who voted for Trump, works for Trump or is associated in any way with Trump, all this while claiming to detest this behavior from everyone else.
    So what exactly is wrong with having a beach house? 
    There is so much about this country you fail to understand. First, we DO NOT convict without a crime. Our system is built on due process, we are assumed innocent until ewe are PROVEN guilty. We first hear a complaint, then we need evidence and a trial before we convict and punish. You have decided guilt upon only accusation with no testimony and no evidence what so ever. I hope you will never find yourself having to live up to your own standards of guilt. 
    Secondly, we have economic freedom and mobility. being wealthy is not a crime. It is the American dream. If you want a beach house then go out and earn one. If it were not for the "rich" the bay area would have lost forever the historical and heritage homes that still stand because a rich person spent tens of millions restoring them to their former glory. How many thousands of people were employed during these projects?, ever get a mortgage, you can thank those with more money than you for making those funds available...all those social programs you love, who do you think pays for those...the poor?? You want to open a new business, where will you get the funds? 
    Your selective outrage is boring and and only goes to show your thoughtlessness. 
      September 25, 2018 11:58 AM MDT