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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 81-year-old Bill Cosby will go to prison for 3-10 years. Judge labels him a SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATOR. And?

81-year-old Bill Cosby will go to prison for 3-10 years. Judge labels him a SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATOR. And?

He will have to register as a sex offender.
Attend counseling for life
Report to authorities 4 times a year. I guess this will occur after his stint behind bars should he live that long.

His lawyers want him to just get house arrest since he's supposedly blind. Don't know if the sentence imposed
will change.

Interestingly enough after the sentence was released to the public some guy attacked this as a conspiracy against Cosby just like the conspiracy against Kavanaugh. I kid you not. Coupling the two is not a very smart thing to do.

Justice served? I dunno. What's gonna happen to Harvey Weinstein and all the other sexually perverted deviates out there? Will their time come eventually?

All the while Cosby played a great guy on a TV show he was sexually assaulting women.  Show's ta go ya. You cannot judge a book by its cover. His wife Camille must be really proud of herself for standing by her man and attacking the women who accused him. Amazing.  :(

Posted - September 26, 2018


  • 1305
    I think he'll only get three years tops. You often see celebrities get lower penalties for crimes.
      September 26, 2018 3:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The very wealthy too. Justice is never  served when it's based on celebrity/notoriety/fame. I think it sucks. Once again the little guy gets the full brunt of "justice" while the rich and famous dabble about a bit in it. This guy is a real sick fella. His wife is even sicker. Defending him all those years. They deserved each other. I feel sorry for his children. I wonder if he ever sexually abused a daughter? Thank you for your reply kg! :)
      September 27, 2018 3:13 AM MDT