Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh my gosh Kg! I thought of Bighead when I read that not fathead! Your take is so much better than mine! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
Physical brain size in no way relates to intelligence. In fact, a human female's brain is smaller than that of a human male.
When it comes to brains, size doesn't matter. What matters most is what one puts in the brain (teaching). Everyone's brain is wired differently (making us even more unique). As such, some people process information more quickly than others. Everyone processes certain types of information at different rates of speed (e.g. some people's brains process colors faster than they do sounds). This is part of why people have different "abilities" (musician, poet, artist, etc.). Many factors while the brain is developing can affect how it functions as well (mother used drugs during pregnancy, brain injury, increased or decreased stimuli, etc.). So it's not the size of one's brain that matters, but rather how they use it.