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Lying. Crying. Interrupting. Insulting. Attacking. Ever see anyone anywhere at any time act that way?

So many angrified males (all trumpican Senators) in that room getting riled up by another angrified male. Lots of testosterone floating around and it was indeed a spectacle than which there has never been any noner or whichier anywhere assuredly. It occurred during a so-called hearing in front of Senators. It was THEATER OF THE ABSURD. It was not dignified (Dr. Ford was very dignified) nor decent nor in keeping with the seriousness of the situation. It was a bunch of boys standing in a circle watching  a fight yelling "fight fight fight fight fight". Grade school schoolyard "boys will be boys" bullsh ** went on the entire time. Lindsay Graham went out of his way to embarrass himself and the very next day smiled ever so sweetly and said "someone has to explain this to trump and I guess it will be me" or words to that effect. The "this" to which he referred was having the FBI investigate the allegations. He turned so docile. The super don capitulated. They are a bunch of geesy gooses. They certainly aren't men. Men don't behave that way or say such things. Deterioration of an institution.  In your living room via TV. :(

Posted - September 29, 2018


  • We need a lot more passion and emotion to counteract the threats and intimidation of the left. The phony indignation and seething hatred of the left doesn't stand up very well when people begin to push back against their bullying. The nominee should breathe a sigh of relief now that he knows that he won't be sitting on the high court. He's far too good a man to be a part of that Washington scene of corruption, sleaze and public humiliation. I'm embarrassed to be an American when I see how low this nation has sunk in putting on this asinine circus for the world. Once again, it's proof of that we no longer possess any moral authority, without which, you don't lead on the world stage.
      September 29, 2018 11:04 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Just last week my nephew and I were talking about the seething hatred and bullying that the left displays on a daily basis. There have always been differences between the political parties but since Trump was elected, the left has taken this split and brought it to a nocuous and almost evil level. They are trying to drive Trump from office and to fracture the very foundation of this country.
      September 29, 2018 6:18 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Lying. Crying. Insulting. Attacking. Ever see anyone, anywhere, at any time act that way? I won't get specific but yes, I have including right here in Answer Mug. :)
      September 29, 2018 6:06 PM MDT