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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If no subpoena power is used and "subjects of interest" refuse to participate of what use is the FBI investigation realistically?

If no subpoena power is used and "subjects of interest" refuse to participate of what use is the FBI investigation realistically?

What if all "subjects of interest" refuse to testify? What happens then? Does the FBI fold its tent and go back to its cage/kennel and the trumpicans can take a victory lap and tell how hard they tried? Seriously folks? After we see what happens we'll know if this was just a planned dog&pony show to placate those who WANT THE TRUTH. Won't we? Yep we will.

Posted - September 29, 2018


  • 628
    What dont you understand about the Federal in FBI. They investigate Federal crimes, which this is fact, no crime has ever been charged by any law enforcement agency agency.  This is not a criminal investigation, it is a background check, which the FBI has already done 6 times on Brett Kavanaugh and nothing was ever found. These charges by Ford are not credible, which is why no one has ever made a report to the agencies which would investigate, such as the local authorities where this allegedly took place. 
    The Dems have no interest in finding the "Truth", they have no interest in protecting this woman, all they care about is delay and obstruct no matter who gets caught up in their hysterics...You dont want the truth either, just justification for your bigotry and hate....

      September 29, 2018 12:46 PM MDT

  • Well Hallelujah! somebody finally smells the coffee. An FBI investigation  is thoroughly useless in this pathetic mess. That's what everybody's been saying for 2 weeks to anybody who would set aside their bias long enough to listen. Listening has never been a strong suit among extremists.
      September 29, 2018 3:59 PM MDT