Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I guess a SCOTUS Justice can be a drunk. Who is gonna know except the other Justices? They accept all, drunks included. Right?
TOUCHE! Whoa I had forgotten that saying Malizz. "Sober as a Judge". Very good and very apt. You know it makes me wonder about the roots of all the other Justices. We know that Clarence Thomas' confirmtion was fraught with scandal. Were any of the others? If so I don't recall. I know there was a candidate named Bork who didn't get confirmed but I don't remember the circumstances. Of course in 2016 McConnell refused to let President Obama fill Scalia's seat and would even bring the subject to the floor of the Senate so SCOTUS has been minus one body for many months. But beyond that it seems it has always been kinda automatic without much contention. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday. Oh. I"m gonna use your reply partially in another question and give you blind credit. :)