Me too L. I see nothing of value in them and that's simply by seeing ads for them. I don't pay money or invest time going to see them in movies or on TV. I wonder why some folks wouldn't miss seeing them for anything? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
I don’t consider these types of movies as entertainment. I find them disturbing or even abusive. Not good use of my coin or my time.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at October 5, 2018 5:17 PM MDT
I can only agree with you....The people that dream these films up are very disturbed ,What sort of childhood did they have and what must their parents be like.. What pleasuse do people get from watching other humans or animals being ripped to peices ,tortured or being horrifically abused....
I find horror movies repulsive. They’re garbage and like Don, I find them disturbing and abusive. I witness and deal with enough real violence at work. The last thing I want to do is spend my personal time and money on filthy horror movies. The only thing I find worse is pornography.
I totally and completely agree with thee 100% Rizz. I can't figure out why anyone "enjoys" them enough to invest time and money seeing them. It takes all kinds. I guess. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
I've heard other folks say that as well Zack. That the blood and gore is so ludicrously fake it amuses them. But I'd rather watch Lucy on that production line stuffing chocolates in her mouth or getting drunk selling that "Metavitavegamin" tonic she takes sips of it during her sales pitch! Or Carol Burnett walking down the staircase wearing drapes that are being held up by curtain rods she has on her shoulders. Just recalling those images cracks me up even today! ! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
I love horror movies of all types, even some of the low-budget B movies. Sometimes a film can be so bad that it's good. I kind of feel the same way about shark flicks. Love them.
Do you ever get nightmares from having seeing them Lenina? Do you find them funny because they're "over-the-top" with phony images? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
No, I never get nightmares. And I do think the 'over-the-top' gore is funny and amusing. But I also enjoy the adrenaline rush of more suspenseful horror films.
I enjoy a lot of different types of films, from serious documentaries and dramas to absolute drivel. To me, these are just all different reaches of the imagination, which is vast. I'm hearing a theme of people thinking these films are disturbing, as well as the people who create and/or watch them. But there are different perspectives, and that's really what ends up becoming your reality.
It doesn’t qualify as entertainment. It’s nothing but filth to me. I see and deal with real violence at work. It sure as heck isn’t entertaining then either. It doesn’t bother me for whatever reason. I’ve seen some pretty gruesome acts of violence and the results. I guess I’m dulled to it. For whatever reason horror movies bother me. They don’t make me queasy or scare me. They’re just repulsive to me. I don’t see how it’s considered entertaining.