Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A large vocabulary/using words properly indicates intelligence or lack thereof. Correct spelling does not. DIDJA KNOW?
Perhaps that is so but what good are large words and "proper" use if people cannot understand you? And the greatest intelligence might just possibly isolate us from others.
I have read that super don is supposedly a genius with an IQ of 156. His vocabulary suits nursery school children so I get that. I worked at the Giannini Research Labs in Pasadena, California as a secretary many decades ago. I worked with GENIUS scientists who could not spell their way out of a paper bag collectively let alone individually. I could. So I took what they wrote and made it into legible coherent proper grammar checking often with them because some of the words were beyond my grade level. They invented exotic fluids and were always hunched over test tubes. It got to be VERY COLORFUL in their labs. Sometimes otherworldly. I really dug it a lot. I remember I once had an in-depth conversation with one of them about music. He was very much into GERMAN operas. I preferred the more lyrical. He was a funny guy and we got along just swell. He could think circles around me but we understood each other Spelling counts to folks who work in offices in schools in publishing firms and when you write a letter of application to a school for admission or a company to get job. But elsewhere? It counts only as much as YOU impute to it so for every person who can spell just swell there is one who cannot. You hear words Ele when you talk to folks. You don't see them. Why should seeing them make any difference at all if the conversation is substantial useful worthwhile meaningful? Unless you are very anal I think it should make no difference. So we disagree. So what? Thank you for your reply! :)
The main thing about anyone's vocabulary is to speak clearly and more important, use words you think the people you are talking to can understand Rosie...... If you begin using words that you know they will not know the meaning of.....you yourself become the ignorant fool ,even more so if you are doing it in front of others to belittle them.... Language is primary used to comunicate with others around you listening....it's of no use what so ever if no one understands you.. . Unless your a politician or lawyer that is.....