No secret: To end the spell of backward and fallacious Bronze Age religions over humankind. Ignorance and immorality that has stunted our species for far too long.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at October 7, 2018 10:00 AM MDT
That will never happen DB. Religion is used to justify the most heinous and evil things. People who rely on it to justify racism and bigotry and lying and cheating and stealing and betraying will never give it up. I would settle for an end to super don. Not in the sense of having him die. Just go away and stay there and never have to hear his voice or read a word he says and have all media outlets ban him forever more. On pain of lifetime incarceration should they dare fail to enforce it! Just think what a superdonless world could be again? Would you not settle for that? Thank you for your reply! :)
That will never be og. There are those in the world whose ONLY life's goal is to create chaos and destroy those who do not obey them so they can control and rape and pillage and do whatever they want to do. It is in the black hearts of such men that evil lives. It is in the weakness of people who allow it that such evil can live. There will always by sycophants and toadies and brown nosers and those who suck up to despots and dictators and tyrants and evildoers. Wipe out all of them and who is left? How many of THEM are there who fight dirty versus how many folks will always fight clean? You see it is a hopeless fight with one side doing anything and everything it can to win while the other side tries to play by the rules. It will always be there. I cannot envision any way for evil to go away. I wonder why GOD couldn't have created a world absent evil. All powerful as He is why did He burden us with that? No human can adequately answer that question so it is only a rhetorical question. Thank you for your reply! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 7, 2018 10:01 AM MDT
We are merely animals who have just enough brains to know what sin is. Do you wanna be just an animal or something more? Sin is like saying; "I hate God and all creation."