Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I wonder why some "preachers" who "praise" the Lord regularly use Him as a weapon to promulgate their own prejudices? Anyone have a clue?
I understand what you're saying and, not being a Christian, I would not presume to argue. But shouldn't you speak for yourself and not project your feelings to an entire group?
Well I am a Christian and he speaks for me as well at least. I remember when being a Christian was not so unfashionable" or "incorrect" and was a lot better world back then. Unfortunately I was not a Christian then!
I honestly think Jews get more grief than even atheists. No one ever takes me for Jewish ("You don't look Jewish") so I have only had one anti-Semitic experience way back when I was in my 20s. Since then, I've never experienced an overt anti-Semitic comment. By the way, the person who was so nasty wound up riding his motorcycle head-on into a tree one July 4th weekend. I like to think of it as poetic justice.
I certainly do not intend to minimize the undue suffering and prejudice imposed on the Jewish faith through the centuries, but I point out how the very doctrines of Islam and Christianity have specifically targeted “unbelievers” as objects of their derision, and brought persecution and death to countless non-believers for trumped-up thought crimes, like heresy and blasphemy.
Perhaps only homosexuals approach the level of outright hatred levied upon them by the “Parties of God” as do Atheists. I’d wager people would vote for an LBGT President before an atheist.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at October 10, 2018 6:47 PM MDT
I would have to agree with you there. I wonder if there's a count of how many unbelievers or blasphemers have been killed throughout the centuries. Six million of us were killed in just one decade, by one deranged person.
It was typical back-in-the-day to burn atheists to ash (often while still alive) not only to be rid of them and their heresies, but to destroy their immortal souls as well. It also served as grim warning to others who might deny “God” as a matter of conscience. It’s no coincidence that all of the persecution you and I mention here was carried out by the minions of Christianity.
He did have help, but I believe he was the instigator and the rest followed, willingly or otherwise.
In my mind, religion is designed to control the masses by instilling in them fear of some deity who will bring down fire and brimstone if they fall out of line. It encourages the sheep mentality that a few know better than the majority what is good for everyone. I prefer to think for myself.
Murder has been sanctioned by religions throughout history while preaching that it's a sin at the same time.
Indeed, although I'm thankful that I never lived in eastern Europe as some of my family forebears did, experiencing pogroms and, even worse, the Shoah (Hebrew for the Holocaust).
That goes back long before the 20th century. Slavery in Egypt, the exodus from which is the origin of the Passover holiday, which later gave rise to Easter when Christianity morphed from a Jewish sect into a separate religion. Also the Crusades and the Inquisition during the Middle Ages.
Sadly Stu, as you may know, there are odd sects of Christians (at least in America that I can attest to) that still blame [the] Jews for the murder of their Messiah. As if there weren't thousands of Jews crucified by the Romans.
Just as there are factions of Islam that deny the Holocaust. Proof enough that ignorance breeds prejudice.
I don't know if you were on Answerbag back in the day, but I remember people on there posting old anti-Semitic canards such as Jews controlling banks, money, and the media - some of the very same ideas on which Hitler hung his hat as justification for exterminating Jews in Germany and other European countries. And when I reported these as offensive to site moderators, they didn't remove them because they said they didn't consider them offensive! Not sure - my memory is not clear - but there may have been posts about the killing of Jesus as well.