Discussion » Statements » Michael


In the aftermath of Michael's fury, we have extensive damages and power outages around us. Here,at the family homestead, the effects were minimal despite the wind and rain. Most of our county saw  flooding due to the number of creeks and ponds we have here. Power outages are as close as 3-4 miles away. We've made it due to the providential and protective hand of God. I would praise Him and offer thanks if I had lost it all and walked away with my life. I know that many have suffered greatly, even to the extent of lives being lost. In spirit, we are as one. Our portion of the country was already in terrible shape due to Florence. The impacts of the two storms will take a lot of time to recover from. Many thanks to the thousands of emergency responders, law enforcement, utility workers and National Guard for their fine efforts. Our people are resilient, rising to recover from these setbacks, with faith in God and an eye to the future.

Posted - October 11, 2018
