Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Your kids are grown and have families of their own and doing great. What's it like for you and your mate to be back to just the two of you?
Not there yet. My kids are in school. Oldest had a medical issue and is home with her family. So my house is full. She and her husband are looking for a place...we will miss them but know it is part of life.
Does not really apply to me as I never had children of my own. When I met my husband his oldest was already on her own and his youngest still in college and living with his ex and her husband. Both have lived with us, the younger for well over a year, but they are doing well and entirely on their own now, the older married, and I see more of my step grand child than his mother. When we married we purchased a large home because we wanted the girls to each be able to stay when they wanted to and have a room for Gerry's mother if she needed to stay with us. She is happily ensconced in a very good retirement community so we at this point have a largely empty house and we never use the two bedrooms.