Is there an exception to your question? This is, thereby making your question and my answer negate each other. I hope a hole doesn't appear in the fabric of space-time. LOL
This post was edited by Element 99 at October 12, 2018 11:08 AM MDT
You are replying to my question with a question. I'm stymied. If I KNEW THE ANSWER I WOULD NOT NEED TO ASK THE QUESTION. Unless I just wanted your take on my take . I can opine conjecture assume predict imagine. After your question (consisting of 7 words followed by a question mark) you lost me. I don't understand a word of it. You have no control over the spacetime continuum Ele. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. So feel free to say whatever you wish it will have no effect at all. Thank you for this amusing stroll through confusion. Or was it all just an illusion? Delusion? Contusion? Fusion? Collusion?
This post was edited by RosieG at October 12, 2018 11:52 AM MDT
The only time that worked for me was in my PHILOSOPHY CLASS Ele. Teachers are supposed to impart knowledge. Teachers are supposed to educate. Teachers are supposed to provide a template to students so they learn how to think critically. Your religion and your profession are no excuse for abrogating or abdicating what you are charged with doing. In my opinion. As you know I think teaching is the noblest profession. Why do I think that? Because teachers SHAPE us and give us roadmaps and keys to unlocking doors futurely. Asking a serious question requires being taken seriously. Replying with a question isn't helpful. Just sayin'. Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 12, 2018 12:01 PM MDT
Here's an example: Student: "Why are there so many big words in this book." Me: "Why do think there are." It get's them thinking, which is one of our most important things I taught. Think spurs imagination and more questions. I didn't do it all of the time. I would not use the technique for technical questions. The Jewish thing is a long standing joke. I'm surprised you never heard it.
I've led a sheltered life. I also bond with Jewish people as you very well know because of our mutual ancestral experiences....our genocides. Yours at the hands of the Nazis losing 6 million and mine at the hands of the Turks losing 1.5 million. A bond that will last forever. So I kvetch a lot and have tons of chutzpah get verklempt on occasion and OY VEY all the time. Now getting back to the issue. That example sucks bigly Ele. Any student that would ask such a question should not be in college. I ask when will gravity be seamlessly incorporated in quantum theory and you say to me "when do YOU think it will"? Seriously? Or I ask how quantum entanglement works and you ask "why do YOU think it works?" Or I ask what existed before the Big Bang and you ask "what do YOU think existed"? See my problem?. So I see we are at an impasse. It happens. Thank you for your reply! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 12, 2018 12:49 PM MDT
Well he was not a bright kid. Clearly. He didn't have parents who taught him how to read at an early age as we taught our kids..thee and me. He couldn't possibly have developed a love of reading or he would have used dictionaries to learn the meaning of "big words". I use a dictionary every day. Our Webster's Huge dictionary is on a table and open and both Jim and I refer to it daily to check out meanings of words with which we are unfamiliar or verify the spelling of words. I have never in my life even thought to ask "why are there so many big words in this book?" Did your kids EVER ask you that? My son never did. So that kid probably had a very hard row to hoe in life if, as a high school student, that question occurred to him let alone his asking it. Thank you for the clarification and Happy Saturday. now that we're on the subject I shall ask some wordy questions.
He was actually a pretty good student. The answer to the question, of course, was "So you can learn big words." Most of my students were from low income families, many of which were single parent or even grandparents. They got little help from home. Our school system was failing all State standards and still is. I had students who couldn't read at a third grade level and some who refused to do any work at all. Some were raised with few social skills and preferred to make trouble. Many citizens constantly blamed the teachers.
That is YOUR answer Ele. Not mine. I would have said " because the author chose to use those words to describe what he/she was thinking/feeling". I cannot tell you how often on Answerbag I was notified by folks about how I could IMPROVE my questions! Seriously. I ask questions choosing the words I wish to use to convey what I wish to say. All authors do. I do not take suggestions. You either like it or you don't. Would you write a letter to any author telling him/her how a book could be improved? That's ridiculous! We all have a certain style in how we communicate. I am no more interested in pleasing other people by changing how I communicate than I would be interested in suggesting to them how they could improve what they say. It is presumptuous and rude in my opinion. You read books by authors you enjoy. You don't read those you don't. Sigh. I've probably said that dozens of times over the years. Thank you for your reply! :)